Read & Study the Bible Online - Bible Portal
God as a visitor
God as a visitor By Babatope Babalobi +234 80 35 897435 Save the World Christian ministry App: Join WhatsApp Prayer Group: Luke 1 vs 68 Blessed be the Lord God of Israel…
Babatope Babalobi,
4 Practical Ways to Enjoy this Crazy Christmas — Ami Loper
What is this Christmas going to look like? Will my people be able to get together? If you are a Believer in Jesus Christ, you know your joy is found only in Jesus. That beautiful truth doesn’t exactly stop the aching loneliness of being alone and bereft of your beloved traditions. We need more than
Ami Loper,
4 Practical Ways to Enjoy this Crazy Christmas — Ami Loper
What is this Christmas going to look like? Will my people be able to get together? If you are a Believer in Jesus Christ, you know your joy is found only in Jesus. That beautiful truth doesn’t exactly stop the aching loneliness of being alone and bereft of your beloved traditions. We need more than
Ami Loper,
Visit is Not a Social Call
Early in the life of the church, there was confusion and ignorance regarding whether Gentiles were required to adhere to Jewish Law and custom upon becoming Christ followers. This debate led to what is called “The Jerusalem Council” we read of in Acts 15. In that council, following a presentation from the apostles Barnabus and…
Damon J. Gray,
His Name Is Jesus - Blog - Eternal Perspective Ministries
Jesus has many other names and titles. Each reveals something important about Him.
Randy Alcorn,
To The Canceled, Rejected, Unclean: There is Healing! -
Whether you’ve been canceled or labeled unclean, there is healing. There is One who will not only overlook your uncleanness but conquer it.
Abigail Wallace,
His healing presence (Matthew 14:33-36)
Can a king sort out what’s wrong by healing rather than jailing people?
Allen Browne,
The Horn That Frees Us from Fear
Because of Jesus, the Horn of Our Salvation, we need not fear any other.
Revive Our Hearts,
Yahweh Jehovah - Names Of God - Pursuing Intimacy With God
Yahweh Jehovah are names of God. Jehovah is the english translation of YHWH or Yahweh. In the original Hebrew Bible, God’s name is shown as YHWH.
Kevin Bart,
Forgiveness of sins (Luke 24:47)
If the gospel isn’t a message about personal guilt, why did Jesus commission his followers to announce “repentance for the forgiveness of sins in his name?”
Allen Browne,

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