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A Bizarre Prayer From Jesus
Just this morning I read a heartbreaking thread from a young woman on Twitter who has decided that prayer is pointless and she has stopped praying as a result. Not cut back. Stopped. Completely. Several others chimed in with some form of, “Yeah, me too. Gave up praying years ago.” I’ll admit that I struggle…
Damon J. Gray,
Where Intelligence Is Irrelevant - Joyfully Pressing On
“Beware of posing as a profound person;” Oswald Chambers wrote, “God became a baby.” Intelligence is irrelevent when it comes to the best knowledge of all.
Abigail Wallace,
True Happiness Begins with Knowing God - Blog - Eternal Perspective Ministries
Our greatest needs and longings can be fulfilled only in God, the “fountain of living waters” (Jeremiah 2:13).
Randy Alcorn,
Christ, the Wisdom of God - Blog - Eternal Perspective Ministries
Compelling evidence suggests Jesus was referring to Himself as incarnate wisdom in Proverbs 8.
Randy Alcorn,
The Emotions of Jesus
When you think of Jesus’s life on earth, his emotions might not be the first thing that comes to mind. So many of our conceptions and portrayals of Jesus entail a wise and detached sage keeping his distance from sinful human beings. In some of these visual representations, we might think he was floating six inches off the ground or, rather a holographic representation of a human being if we didn’t know better. Lately, in series like The Chosen, Jesus has been depicted much more accurately and…
Cole Feix,
The Advent of the Happiest Human in History - Blog - Eternal Perspective Ministries
This present world is still cursed with sin and sorrow, but these obstacles can’t diminish the light that dawned at the incarnation.
Randy Alcorn,
Worship God in Dance by Lucinda Coleman
Worship God in Dance Dr Lucinda Coleman is a dance educator and choreographer, formerly a dance-maker for the independent artists’ collective, ‘Remnant Dance’, based in Perth, Australia. This arti…
Geoff Waugh,
Exploring the Happiness of Jesus - Blog - Eternal Perspective Ministries
Ask a random group of believers and unbelievers, “Who is the happiest human being who ever lived?” and few would correctly answer: “Jesus.”
Randy Alcorn,
The Doctrine of Scripture — House of David Ministries
From the beginning, God has desired to make Himself known to His creation. God is Spirit and cannot be seen, and his transcendence is beyond our imagination. However, His imminence brings Him so close that He purposefully dwells within His children. Thus, He has chosen to reveal Himself both in the
Eric M. Teitelman,
The Doctrine of Scripture — House of David Ministries
From the beginning, God has desired to make Himself known to His creation. God is Spirit and cannot be seen, and his transcendence is beyond our imagination. However, His imminence brings Him so close that He purposefully dwells within His children. Thus, He has chosen to reveal Himself both in the
Eric M. Teitelman,

Group of Brands