Read & Study the Bible Online - Bible Portal
Dear Progressive Friend-
You want a world where people are respected and cared for. You want a world where people are treated equally and civilly irrespective of where they come from, their gender, or the color of their sk…
Lisa Price,
Dear Progressive Friend-
You want a world where people are respected and cared for. You want a world where people are treated equally and civilly irrespective of where they come from, their gender, or the color of their sk…
Lisa Price,
How the Birth of Jesus Changed the World-
Prior to the first coming of Jesus people could change their actions but not their hearts. An evil or an unbelieving person was just kind of stuck that way forever. Jesus’ coming changed that reali…
Lisa Price,
How the Birth of Jesus Changed the World-
Prior to the first coming of Jesus people could change their actions but not their hearts. An evil or an unbelieving person was just kind of stuck that way forever. Jesus’ coming changed that reali…
Lisa Price,

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