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Advent 2021 at our Home
Advent and Christmas was always a special time growing up as a Christian kid in the Middle East. The anticipation and the expectation of the birth of Jesus, nostalgic Christmas carols, well wishes …
Teresa Marles,
Have a Mary Christmas - Jewell Utt
Whispers of the season stir some curious thoughts. Chatter ranges from hectic schedules, to parties, shopping, and finally exhaustion. It’s joy mixed with the nuisance of doing. Holidays are a busy time, but what month of the year is not? We are a fast paced society, our tasks are not limited to seasonal celebrations. Festivities... [Read More]
Jewell Utt,
The Urgent vs. the Important - Blog - Eternal Perspective Ministries
Charles Hummel’s booklet The Tyranny of the Urgent reminds us we must learn to discern between the urgent and the truly important.
Randy Alcorn,
Too Busy
(Lessons from Martha) “And Jesus answered and said unto her Martha, Martha, thou art careful and troubled about many things: But one thing…
Emily van Rijn,
Have a Mary Christmas - Jewell Utt
Whispers of the season stir some curious thoughts. Chatter ranges from hectic schedules, to parties, shopping, and finally exhaustion. It’s joy mixed with the nuisance of doing. Holidays are a busy time, but what month of the year is not? We are a fast paced society, our tasks are not limited to seasonal celebrations. Festivities... [Read More]
Jewell Utt,
Distractions? What Distractions?
Distractions have and always will draw us away from something. Who knows it could be doing a task like a chore or your job, or just taking a nap. Many times just life, and getting caught up in it, …
Paula Short,
The Better Choice | Luke 10
Welcome to Real Life. It’s a fresh, new year! I haven’t mastered the art of sitting and smiling. –Ashely Wagner As much as I love decor…
Peggi Tustan,
ARE YOU A MARY-KILLING MARTHA? - Growing Through God's Word
Are you a Mary-killing Martha? It takes a lot of strength … patience … surrender, to sit at Jesus’ feet. It’s so hard to be a Mary in a Martha world
Janis Cox,
Mary Chose What Was Better—How About You?
By Greg Laurie – Just like Mary in the Gospel account, we have new opportunities before us. Let’s seize the moment.
Greg Laurie,
A Characteristic Jewel
Being present is a characteristic jewel we all highly value. We long for it from our closest friends while we’re confiding in them with deep
Rose Ward,

Group of Brands