Read & Study the Bible Online - Bible Portal
As we step into this new season of ministry, I'm passionate and humbled to preach the word God's put in my heart for The Church! As we began taking this big step, we've heard often from people about how, impressed, surprised, or in awe of our willingness to step out of the comfort
Samuel Deuth,
Bible study: living in faithfulness and fear of God
MEMORY VERSE – LUKE 16:10 – He that is faithful in that which is lest is faithful also in much: and that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much. THE COST OF FAITHFUL ARE: 1. Because you are …
Babatope Babalobi,
As we step into this new season of ministry, I'm passionate and humbled to preach the word God's put in my heart for The Church! As we began taking this big step, we've heard often from people about how, impressed, surprised, or in awe of our willingness to step out of the comfort
Samuel Deuth,
Trustworthy with a Little, Entrusted with a Lot - Blog - Eternal Perspective Ministries
Jesus says, “Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much” (Luke 16:10). He implies that all of us are being continually tested in little things. If a child can’t be trusted to...
Randy Alcorn,
Turning Mountains into Molehills - A Penny Lesson
Turning Mountains into Molehills’ weekly blog will explore the ways God uses the ordinary events of life to teach us. Today, we look at a penny lesson.
Yvonne M. Morgan,
A Penny Worth of Faith on Turning Mountains into Molehills
On today’s Turning Mountains into Molehills’ devotional, we explores the ways God used a penny to teach me about a Penny Worth of Faith.
Yvonne M. Morgan,
How do I know what God is calling me to do? Melanie Redd
What work has God given you to complete? What does He want you to do? How do we know? How do I know what God is calling me to do?
Melanie Redd,
How do I know what God is calling me to do?
What work has God given you to complete? What does He want you to do? Discover the answer to this question - How do I know what God is calling me to do?
Melanie Redd,
Using Wealth
No one can serve two masters, because they are likely to hate one and love the other. In the same way, we cannot truly serve God and be a slave to money.
Anneta Pinto,
It's Okay To Desire Marriage & Still Enjoy Your Right Now - Intercession For A Generation Blog
I was recently talking with a friend and sis in Christ about how there is so much pressure on social media to get to your next place in life that it makes it di
Russelyn Williams,

Group of Brands