Read & Study the Bible Online - Bible Portal
Accomplish Things You Never Dreamed Possible - Ron Edmondson
Could you make a list of dreams, or things you’ve tried at and failed at before? What has been impossible for you? Go ahead and make the list, then give it to God.
Ron Edmondson,
Five Minute Friday - Imagine.
Janis is linking to LisaJo Baker’s Five Minute Friday. Today’s word is imagine. What can you dream?
Janis Cox,
Turning Mountains into Molehills - Miracles Still Happen
Turning Mountains into Molehills’ weekly blog will explore the ways God uses the ordinary events of life to teach us. Do miracles still happen?
Yvonne M. Morgan,
Characteristics of a Good Leader: - Intercession For A Generation Blog
A good leader knows that whatever office or task that God has called him to, God will anoint him for. In other words, God gives us the ability to do what
Russelyn Williams,
ARE MY PRAYERS TOO SMALL? - Growing Through God's Word
Are My Prayers Too Small? by Janis Cox I am learning much through Henry Blackaby’s study called Experiencing God. This week, lesson 7, involved a crisis of belief. Henry made sure to explain that this is not a crisis (which we can have as well) but a crisis of belief when God has put something… Continue reading ARE MY PRAYERS TOO SMALL?
Janis Cox,
Panting, needing to find God... a meditation.
(Picture above- This lone creature entered the quiet cove where I was finishing up time with God. She entered without me knowing. She was standing quite still looking at the water when I looked up…
Gina Williamson,
The Doctor’s Perspective
It’s nice to have a doctor in the family. To quote Dr. Seuss, “Everyone should have one of these at home!” We have an especially kind one that never minds us asking medical questi…
Vickie Munton,
Stop Saying That!
Sometimes in an effort to encourage, people will tell stories about a time when they went through a similar situation. Stories can be a great way to connect with and comfort a hurting person, but o…
Lisa Price,
Stop Saying That!
Sometimes in an effort to encourage, people will tell stories about a time when they went through a similar situation. Stories can be a great way to connect with and comfort a hurting person, but o…
Lisa Price,
Some looked down on everybody else... - Booty and Treasures fer All!
“Some looked down on everybody else.” Luke 18:9 My Father, please help me to accept who I am in you. Destroy the pride that is in my heart. People were bringing children to Jesus to have him touch them.” Luke 18:15 “Anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter […]
Eddie Jones,

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