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The Privileged Life: Bring Your “White Christmas” to the Manger
“This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.” Luke 2:12 It’s Monday. Four days until Christmas. Last frantic days for feverish shopping. Or …
Nancy C. Williams,
The Miracle of the Shepherd’s Field of Bethlehem – Pathways to Organization
Today in the town of David, a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord.Luke 2:8-12 I had the great privilege to visit Israel a few years ago, and needless to say, it was a momentous time in my life to see where Jesus had lived and where He and His disciples had walked. Suddenly, after all these years of singing Christmas songs, I understood the reality and the full meaning of where Jesus was born and why shepherds were the first to hear that beautiful announcement that the Messiah had been born! I pray that you will ‘see’ Christ at Christmas this year and thank God for His indescribable gift to us – that Jesus came to be with us and to later die for us but then to be resurrected by the power of God, so He is with us forever!
Lane Jordan,
The Miracle of the Shepherd’s Field of Bethlehem – Pathways to Organization
Today in the town of David, a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord.Luke 2:8-12 I had the great privilege to visit Israel a few years ago, and needless to say, it was a momentous time in my life to see where Jesus had lived and where He and His disciples had walked. Suddenly, after all these years of singing Christmas songs, I understood the reality and the full meaning of where Jesus was born and why shepherds were the first to hear that beautiful announcement that the Messiah had been born! I pray that you will ‘see’ Christ at Christmas this year and thank God for His indescribable gift to us – that Jesus came to be with us and to later die for us but then to be resurrected by the power of God, so He is with us forever!
Lane Jordan,
Wrapping Up Christmas
Who in the world would wait until Christmas Eve to do their Christmas shopping? I find it hard to believe the statistics that show December 24th is one of the biggest shopping days of the year, so one season I decided to venture out to the stores and see for myself.
Sharon Jaynes,
Wrapping Up Christmas - Sharon Jaynes
As you look at the beautifully wrapped gifts under your tree this year, remember that the most important gift of all—the one that was wrapped just for you—is the Christ Child Himself.
Sharon Jaynes,
Angels Announced Good News Of Great Joy To The World
Jesus was born! Then angels showed up and announced the good news of great joy. This announcement was for all the world to know.
Robin McKinley,
The Three Signs of Christmas - Damon J. Gray
One of the better known verses in the New Testament is John 20:31. In this verse, John explains precisely why he chose to include the specific signs of Jesus that he chose, telling us he included them so we might believe Jesus is the Son of God, and that by believing, we might have life in his name.…
Damon J. Gray,
The Christmas Story: Behold, your King •
Behold, your King. Words spoken to the Jews by Pontius Pilot (John 19:14b) after Jesus was arrested, interrogated and regaled with a scarlet robe and a crown of thorns. “We have no king but Caesar!!” (John 19:15b) Unlike another announcement: “…for Behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which shall be for all people. For unto you is born this
Pam DePuydt,
The Christmas Story: Behold, your King •
Behold, your King. Words spoken to the Jews by Pontius Pilot (John 19:14b) after Jesus was arrested, interrogated and regaled with a scarlet robe and a crown of thorns. “We have no king but Caesar!!” (John 19:15b) Unlike another announcement: “…for Behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which shall be for all people. For unto you is born this
Pam DePuydt,
The heavenly messenger’s gospel (Luke 2:9–12)
(Photo: Unsplash) A gospelling angel is worth listening to. What can we learn from how angels delivered the gospel to the shepherds? Luke 2:10 literally says they evangelized us: And the heavenly messenger said to them, “Don’t be afraid, for I am evangelizing you of great joy which will be...
Allen Browne,

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