Read & Study the Bible Online - Bible Portal
Woe To You…
Luke 6:26 Woe to you when all men speak well of you for in the same way their fathers used to treat the false prophets. Understand this, there are two sides. The first is God’s side, and the …
Frank Walker,
Woe To You…
Luke 6:26 Woe to you when all men speak well of you for in the same way their fathers used to treat the false prophets. Understand this, there are two sides. The first is God’s side, and the …
Frank Walker,
It Ain’t A popularity Contest, Luke 6:26
Luke 6:26 Woe to you when all men speak well of you for in the same… This Christian walk we are on was never meant to be a popularity contest. In fact being a Christian brings about the very opposi…
Frank Walker,
Cut to the chase: Five reasons to avoid Jackie Hill Perry
By Elizabeth Prata Jackie Hill Perry (JHP) is an author, spoken word artist, poet, and speaker. She was saved, she said, in 2008. Until that point, Jackie had indulged in all manner of sins, includ…
Elizabeth Prata,
It Ain’t A popularity Contest, Luke 6:26
Luke 6:26 Woe to you when all men speak well of you for in the same… This Christian walk we are on was never meant to be a popularity contest. In fact being a Christian brings about the very opposi…
Frank Walker,
Should You Pray Curse-Prayers? (2 Sam 3.29, 36, 29)
There are a number of curse prayers in the Bible. Should we be praying them? Join Dr. Markus McDowell as he explores this curse prayer from 2 Samuel.
Mark McDowell,
Should You Pray Curse-Prayers? (2 Sam 3.29, 36, 29)
There are a number of curse prayers in the Bible. Should we be praying them? Join Dr. Markus McDowell as he explores this curse prayer from 2 Samuel.
Mark McDowell,
Cut to the chase: Six Reasons why Joyce Meyer is a false teacher
By Elizabeth Prata Last week I wrote a series on discernment in 6 essays. They are below. I called it “Wolf Week” because false teachers are called wolves in scripture. My own version of Shark Week…
Elizabeth Prata,
God Comes to Those Who Dare to be Different: Do Not Be Afraid | Dreaming Beneath the Spires
And when God chose to become flesh and dwell among us, the angel wisely prefaces his glorious announcement, “You have found favour with God,” with “Do not be afraid.” You, a “virgin,” will bear a child. Do not be afraid. Oh, the looming scandal, what would people say? Many might have politely rejected this “blessing,” but Mary […]
Anita Mathias,
Christian Owner’s Manual: Advice from and Acts of Jesus - Booty and Treasures fer All!
The “Son of Adam is Lord of the Sabbath.” Luke 6:5 “Which is lawful on the Sabbath? To do good or to do evil? To save life or destroy life?” Luke 6:9 Twelve of his disciples he designated as apostles. Luke 6:13 “Blessed are you when men insult you and reject your name as evil […]
Eddie Jones,

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