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The Death of Ego Births Love
Two weeks ago, I took two of my sons to the beach. Having checked the swell height online, I felt the conditions might be right for them to tackle waves a bit bigger than they were used to. As soon…
Matik Nicholls,
The Death of Ego Births Love
Two weeks ago, I took two of my sons to the beach. Having checked the swell height online, I felt the conditions might be right for them to tackle waves a bit bigger than they were used to. As soon…
Matik Nicholls,
How to Respond when God says No
How to respond when God says no: Have you ever really wanted something, and then had God say no? I had an opportunity I was so excited about, but God said no. It was one of the most difficult things I have ever had to do, and honestly, I was disappointed.
Molly Wilcox,
Get a life?
We have all heard the expression, “You need to get a life!” Well, Jesus would put
Greg Laurie,
A Look at Satan’s Sales Tactics
Satan comes at us with a cheap imitation of the abundance we already have in Christ. All Satan wants us to do is forego all this “dying to self” talk (Luke 9:23-24). Satan wants to offer us a quick and easy way to the good life, but he doesn’t tell us the full price. It’s a cheap imitation, it’s far more costly, and it won’t last.
Lynn H. Pryor,
Cultivating Joy When Life Appears Bleak: – The Hallelujah House
How do we continue to be joyful when life appears bleak? We must recognize joy is not happiness and attach ourselves to the One who cultivates it within us.
The Hallelujah House,
The Courage to Follow Christ - Blog - Eternal Perspective Ministries
To follow Christ is not about being comfortable—it’s about being sold-out to the God with the nailed-scarred hands.
Randy Alcorn,
An Ephesians 5 Husband - Part 1
“Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing …
Russ Sharrock,
Is The Church Today Truly Following Jesus ? - Pursuing Intimacy With God
Is the church today truly following Jesus or just going through the motions ? Jesus & the early church in Acts are our examples to follow.
Kevin Bart,
The Baby Who Turned the World Upside-Down
The world has been turned upside-down, and we as citizens of the heavenly kingdom can trust that it’s as good as done.
Revive Our Hearts,

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