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Why I Don’t See Tithing as the Pinnacle of Christian Virtue - Blog - Eternal Perspective Ministries
I’ve had the privilege of interviewing many givers. In the great majority of cases they mention how tithing first stretched them to give more.
Randy Alcorn,
You Might be Arguing with God and Not Know It
In the Old Testament book of Malachi, we read how the Israelites were arguing with God. Either they didn’t recognize it as arguing or they were just obstinate. Any of us–all of us–have been in both categories. With God and with other people.
Kathy Collard Miller,
What Is The Way God Deals With Deception? - Christian Perspectives
What is the way God deals with deception? Two things they were guilty of was cheating God and saying terrible things about him.
Robin McKinley,
What Is The Way God Deals With Deception?
Lord, renew my mind so I don’t fall into deception.
Robin McKinley,
How Are You Suffering? Is It In These 4 Ways? - Raising Zion
Forasmuch then as Christ hath suffered for us in the flesh, arm yourselves likewise with the same mind: for he that hath suffered in the flesh hath ceased from sin; ‭‭1 Peter‬ ‭4:1‬ Every time I read the epistles according to St.Peter, it’s simply mind blowing and guess what!! There are so many insights that […]
Nehemiah Zion,
How To Be An Effective Devoted Disciple Of Jesus - Christian Perspectives
Jesus gave us what we call the Great Commission. In it, He told us how each of us can be an effective and devoted disciple of Jesus.
Robin McKinley,
The Ordination of the Priest
Several days ago, a good friend of mine was ordained as a priest in the Anglican Church. Those who are called to the ministry, be it as a priest in the Anglican Church or as a pastor in a Baptist o…
Claude F. Mariottini,

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