Read & Study the Bible Online - Bible Portal
Unlimited: Jesus And The Little Children | Good News Unlimited
Jesus was probably busy teaching, and the parents were bringing their little children to him. Anyone who has been to church with little kids knows that it has its challenges! And that’s what the disciples were facing in this story. The disciples rightly saw Jesus as a very special person, and even a holy person. But they didn’t understand his character or what he was about. And they’d forgotten what Jesus had said about welcoming little children.
Eliezer Gonzalez,
Unlimited: Jesus And The Little Children | Good News Unlimited
Jesus was probably busy teaching, and the parents were bringing their little children to him. Anyone who has been to church with little kids knows that it has its challenges! And that’s what the disciples were facing in this story. The disciples rightly saw Jesus as a very special person, and even a holy person. But they didn’t understand his character or what he was about. And they’d forgotten what Jesus had said about welcoming little children.
Eliezer Gonzalez,
Pray like a Child, Pray with Power | HealthWealthVictory
How do we pray to God and get answers beyond our wildest imaginations? Pray like a child. Yes, you can pray with power in the simplicity of a child.
Anna Lovella Velasquez,
Will Ya Sit in Tha Lap of Tha Son and Let Him Bless Ya? - Booty and Treasures fer All!
People were bringing little children to Jesus for him to place his hands on them. – Mark 10:13 (Mark 10:13-16) One day some folks brought thar little tots and babes ter Jesus so he could place his hands on ’em, bless ’em, and pray fer ’em. Right off his very own disciples called him up […]
Eddie Jones,
Having a Jesus Heart for Children - Blog - Eternal Perspective Ministries
Look at Jesus—the way He took them onto His lap and said, “Unless you become like one of these, you won’t enter the kingdom of God.” Kelly thoughtfully challenges us to be like our Savior in our attitudes toward children. Career rules all in our culture, and men and women everywhere are finding ways to farm out their parenting responsibilities to daycares, nannies, and grandparents so they can continue to live their life the way they want. Sadly, this attitude isn’t just found in the world around us, but also among those who follow Christ. If Jesus had said, “Whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a lawyer will not enter it at all,” wouldn’t we find a way to spend time with a law student to understand what He meant by that?
Randy Alcorn,
Little Me, Big God (Review)
“The bible stories come to life with vivid action verbs, catchy illustrations, and the brevity necessary for the attention span of the little people we chase around all day. ” ​
Chrys Jones,
Why Family Matters; Design, Love, Divorce, Remarriage, and Children
Why Family Matters; Design, Love, Divorce, Remarriage, Children is the topic of this Bible study. Jesus and the Apostle Paul instruct us
Rodney Harrier,
5 Reasons Why Family Matters; Design, Love, Divorce, Remarriage, and Children - Connecting Truth to Life
5 Reasons Why Family Matters; Design, Love, Divorce, Remarriage, and Children
Rodney Harrier,
The Disciples' Mission & Ministry, Chapter 2 of Jesus the Model for Short Term Supernatural Mission
Jesus the Model for Short Term Supernatural Mission Biblical Ministry and Mission Available on Amazon and on Kindle Build your free Amazon Cloud and dowload a book anytime Chapter 2: The Disciples…
Geoff Waugh,
The Lion of Judah (3) The Life of Jesus
Black & White edition The Lion of Judah Book 3: The Life of Jesus Now in black & white and in colour editions The Life of Jesus – PDF Permissions: …
Geoff Waugh,

Group of Brands