Read & Study the Bible Online - Bible Portal
Settling for Cheap Imitations
Who would buy this? Who would fall for this? We would. Reality is far more subtle than a $3.49 bag of fake pennies, but we often settle for cheap imitations of the real thing—and it costs us far m…
Lynn H. Pryor,
How to See a Missionary's Reward When You Can't Go
Not everyone is able to leave everything and head out to the mission field. But everyone can receive a missionary’s reward even when they can’t go.
Chris Cree,
What it Means to Enter into God's Rest Part II: Learning to Depend on God - Intercession For A Generation Blog
It is an honorable thing to depend on God, and to say to God in our hearts, “I don’t know how, when, where, or even why, but I trust you. Lord, I know you will
Russelyn Williams,
Something Needs To Change (Review)
” Something Needs To Change is powerful. It’s heart-wrenching. It’s easy to read but hard to stomach. It’s worth your time, your attention, your thoughts, and your prayers. But remember one…
Chrys Jones,
What it Means to Enter into God’s Rest Part II: Learning to Depend on God
It is an honorable thing to depend on God, and to say to God in our hearts, “I don’t know how, when, where, or even why, but I trust you. Lord, I know you will bring me to an expected end.” One of the greatest lessons in learning to depend on God is learning that... Continue Reading →
Russelyn Williams,
Are you willing to lose your life for God's Best? - Intercession For A Generation Blog
Are you willing to lose your life for God’s Best For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: but whosoever will lose his life for my sake, the same shall
Russelyn Williams,
“A Radical Relational Reordering” - Emmanuel Baptist Church
These words from John Piper sum up well the truths we’ve been exploring in these past three weeks: Take heed here lest you minimize what I am saying and do not hear how radical it really is. I am not sentimentalizing singleness to make the unmarried feel better. I am declaring the temporary and secondary
Chris Hutchison,
Did My Sacrifice Even Matter? — Vaneetha Risner
One day you’ll see that your sacrifice was not in vain, that God used it in magnificent ways, for there is no waste in God’s economy.
Vaneetha Risner,
Biblical money management principles - Christian Personal Development
Learn these invaluable biblical money management principles from this post today. You will discover how to manage and multiply your Money and resources as a
Sesan Oguntade,
10th Sunday in Ordinary Time: The New Family of God
It is always a wonderful sight when families pray the novena and attend the Eucharist together in the National Shrine of Our Mother of Perpetual Help here in Baclaran. After the novena and mass, s…
Joseph Echano,

Group of Brands