Read & Study the Bible Online - Bible Portal
The Most Important Commandment | Mark 12
Welcome to Real Life . What does God want from me? Does he want me to clean up my act, get to church, and serve my fellow man? What’s most …
Peggi Tustan,
What is Love | 3 Descriptions of Love from Jesus - Connecting Truth to Life
We love icecream, we love our dog or cat, we may love our jobs or hobbies, we love someone special in our life, we do something for someone or an organization because we feel a special bond with them. Is love a feeling? God loves us. But what is love?...
Rodney Harrier,
The Gospel Coalition (TGC) Controversies As Voiced By Nate Sparks - Divorce Minister
My introduction to The Gospel Coalition (TGC) took place mostly while I was in seminary at Yale. I was definitely influenced by the leading members of this group including Piper and Keller, in particular. However, as I have matured as a Christian and walked through the difficult valleys of adultery discovery and divorce, I am … Continue reading “The Gospel Coalition (TGC) Controversies As Voiced By Nate Sparks”
David Derksen,
Maundy Thursday Love: What’s So New About The Old Command?
I saw a staggering thing in John 13 this week. It comes after the footwashing, and after Judas went out. And it was night.
Abigail Wallace,
Maundy Thursday Love: What’s So New About The Old Command?
I saw a staggering thing in John 13 this week. It comes after the footwashing, and after Judas went out. And it was night.
Abigail Wallace,
Wisdom’s Sacrifice
It all began at the beginning. Not very profound, you say? Sometimes we have to see where something began to understand its significance. Let’s go back to Genesis: “In the course of …
Vickie Munton,
Everything Old is New Again
Love. Love is the greatest commandment.1 Love is the new commandment.2 Or is it? For this is the message that you have heard from the beginning, that we should love one another.– 1 John 3:11, ESV This phrase, “from the beginning” is all over 1st John. You can scarcely scan a single page of the letter without…
Damon J. Gray,
How Were the Books of the Bible Chosen?
If you’ve ever wondered how the books in our Bible made the final cut, wonder no more. We’ve got the answer.
Revive Our Hearts,
Tuesday – Day of Conflict
Tuesday – Day of Conflict Events of Holy Week from Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday See: Crucified and Risen – The Easter Story Share good news – Share this page freely Copy and share this link…
Geoff Waugh,
A Plain Theology of Christian Living
The Bible Is Practical And Theological The Bible is often treated in one of two ways. Some treat it as a sanctified self-help manual that gives them all of the best tips and life hacks on how to be a…
Chrys Jones,

Group of Brands