Read & Study the Bible Online - Bible Portal
Here Are 6 Approaches to Sharing the Gospel With Mormons
​It can be daunting for Christians to share our faith in this politically correct 21st century world. The evangelistic nature and exclusivity of Christianity has never been more unpopular in America. With cultural mottos such as, "Live and let live," and "Live your truth," evangelism has become taboo. It's more...
Alisa Childers,
Why is Study Important? - Growing Through God's Word
Why is Study important? by T.L. Wiens. Prayer is not about methods but about relationship. T.L. Wiens discusses how studying the Bible helps us pray.
Janis Cox,
Love God with All Your Mind - Pt 3
“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.” Mark 12:30) …
Russ Sharrock,
A Great Way to Show Appreciation for Our Pastors - Today Can Be Different
As our pastors grow in their love for God and in their understanding of His Word, they’ll be better equipped to receive the direction and discernment they need to counsel married couples and single parents, comfort the grieving and advise those in difficult circumstances.
Sheryl H. Boldt,
A Great Way to Show Appreciation for Our Pastors - Today Can Be Different
As our pastors grow in their love for God and in their understanding of His Word, they’ll be better equipped to receive the direction and discernment they need to counsel married couples and single parents, comfort the grieving and advise those in difficult circumstances.
Sheryl H. Boldt,
The Privileged Life: Celebrate What’s Most Important
“Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there…
Nancy C. Williams,
Why Study Theology? Part 1
Say the word “theology” in any non-academic setting, and people might be left scratching their heads and running for the door. Thankfully, the word “theology” has a simple meaning. You can divide it into two parts: “theo” and “ology.” – “Theus” is Greek for “God.” -“Logos” is “the study of.” -“Theology” is “The study of God.” Despite the simple meaning of the word “theology,” the question still exists: why study God? This essay (and the two following) will address three biblical reasons to st…
Cole Feix,
Why is Worship So Important?
Today’s blog discusses why worship is important and what happens when we devote ourselves to worship. Enjoy!
The Hallelujah House,
Best tips for living a Christian life
Living a Christian life is a significant journey beyond simple membership in a church. It’s a way of life that’s radically altered by following Jesus’s words and example. Christians are called to live out their faith by putting their love, compassion, and service to others first. Having a personal relationship with God through prayer, worship,
Kathleen Orenza,
Love God with All Your Heart - Pt. 1
Today I want to begin a new series of articles, written over the next two weeks, based on Mark 12:30. I hope you will join me as we expl…
Russ Sharrock,

Group of Brands