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Last Words: “Truly I Tell You, Today You Will Be with Me in Paradise.”
The next time you feel needy, remember Jesus’ words to the thief on the cross.
Revive Our Hearts,
Why the need for Jesus to UPBRAID people if God’s will always happens?
Why UPBRAID someone who possesses no ability to disobey you? “Upbraid” is a translation from the Greek verb ὀνειδίζω (oneidizō Strong’s 3579) and apart from upbraid it could hold …
Annika Björk,
Debunking Lies About Heaven
This post was originally published in July 2018.–ed. Why is it important to know the truth about heaven? With all the contradicting theories and theologies, you can imagine that some Christians would prefer to live in blithe ignorance about what awaits beyond the grave. But knowing the truth about heaven is not just about being
John MacArthur,
Jesus' Crucifixion; Love in Spite of Hate - Connecting Truth to Life
Jesus suffers a hate crime Jesus’ crucifixion today might be considered a hate crime. Religious leaders hated him. He threatened their positions in society, challenged their hypocrisy and beliefs, did miracles they could not discredit and was popular with most people. They knew they had to get rid of him. Late at night, therefore, they … Jesus’ Crucifixion; Love in Spite of Hate Read More »
Rodney Harrier,
20 Bible Verses to Make Your Resurrection Sunday More Meaningful
May the following 20 New Testament verses not only inspire you in your daily walk but also provide fuel for your faith each and every day. May God be glorified through the outpouring of His Spirit.
Chris Carpenter,
Believe in Jesus for the very works’ sake – healing can cause faith, John 14:11
“Believe in me for the very work’s sake”, says Jesus John 14:11 Believe me that I am in the Father, and the Father in me: or else believe me for the very works’ sake.12 Veri…
Annika Björk,
Yeshua the Messiah – the Same Yesterday, Today and Forever
1.0 CONTEXT Philip found Natan’el and told him,“We’ve found the one that Moshe [Moses] wrote about in theTorah, also the Prophets — it’s Yeshua Ben-Yosef from Natzeret!”[John 1:45] The “Torah[Law] and the Prophets” was a title for the Old Testament before the New Testament was written. Philip understood the Old Testament was about Yeshua, which
Samir Stephan Kujur,
The Lion of Judah (2) The Reign of Jesus
The Lion of Judah Book 2: The Reign of Jesus Now in black & white and in colour editions The Reign of Jesus – PDF Available on Amazon and Kindle Free App for your computer, laptop, tabl…
Geoff Waugh,

Group of Brands