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Unlimited: The Parable Of The Growing Seed | Good News Unlimited
Now Jesus tells a parable about how the kingdom of God grows. It’s an important one with a beautiful lesson for us. The seed is the Word of God, and the man who scatters seed on the soil is Jesus. We’ve seen previously that we are the soil on which Jesus scatters his Word, and of course, we want to be the good soil. The Word of God is powerful in and of itself. That’s why, once the seed has been scattered, it grows and develops by itself. The first lesson of this parable is this “all by itself” principle: that if we let God do his work in our lives, there’s no need for us to do the work. If we are the willing “the good soil,” then God’s work in our lives will happen “all by itself.”
Eliezer Gonzalez,
Unlimited: The Parable Of The Growing Seed | Good News Unlimited
Now Jesus tells a parable about how the kingdom of God grows. It’s an important one with a beautiful lesson for us. The seed is the Word of God, and the man who scatters seed on the soil is Jesus. We’ve seen previously that we are the soil on which Jesus scatters his Word, and of course, we want to be the good soil. The Word of God is powerful in and of itself. That’s why, once the seed has been scattered, it grows and develops by itself. The first lesson of this parable is this “all by itself” principle: that if we let God do his work in our lives, there’s no need for us to do the work. If we are the willing “the good soil,” then God’s work in our lives will happen “all by itself.”
Eliezer Gonzalez,
Featured Sermon: "God's Sovereignty, the Gospel, and Sleeping Well"
This post was first published October 21, 2016.—ed. How do you sleep at night? With all the trouble and turmoil in the world; with the threat of violence and financial collapse always looming; with corruption permeating governments at every level; and with strife, anger, and conflict along every social and political dividing line, how can
John MacArthur,
11th Sunday in Ordinary Time: The Hidden Power of the Kingdom of God
If we will just focus on what we see and hear about our country and world today, it is difficult to imagine that goodness, truth and beauty will ever prevail let alone God’s kingdom. If we wi…
Joseph Echano,
Gospel Encouragement (podcast) (2 Timothy 1)
The gospel will transform the world. The good news that God’s anointed (Christ) is our leader (Lord) changes everything. So how do we live in a world that is not fully transformed yet? What’s our r…
Allen Browne,
Evangelism as Jesus practiced it (Mark 4:26-29)
The God of fruitfulness germinates new life. Jesus spent no effort trying to persuade people he was their king. That’s astounding when you compare the billions of dollars and person-hours of effect expended in the American presidential election, so one person can have partial power in one country for four...
Allen Browne,
A vision for the church
The vision night for our church got me thinking about how we set goals.
Allen Browne,
Holy Spirit as Advocate (podcast) (John 16)
Why did Jesus portray the Holy Spirit as his advocate from the Father?
Allen Browne,
What Jesus learned from a Canaanite (Matthew 15:21-39)
Something changed when a Canaanite recognized Jesus as the Davidic heir.
Allen Browne,
The heavenly messenger’s gospel (Luke 2:9–12)
(Photo: Unsplash) A gospelling angel is worth listening to. What can we learn from how angels delivered the gospel to the shepherds? Luke 2:10 literally says they evangelized us: And the heavenly messenger said to them, “Don’t be afraid, for I am evangelizing you of great joy which will be...
Allen Browne,

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