Read & Study the Bible Online - Bible Portal
March 30 Bible Reading Plan - Denise Pass
Have people tried to keep you in a box? Do you feel unseen? God sees you, friend, and He has a plan and a purpose for your life. Don’t let anyone try to define or limit you. You are loved.
Denise Pass,
The Naked Archaeologist Wins Libel Case
Canadian film-maker Simcha Jacobovici, popularly known as “The Naked Archaeologist” has won a libel case against Israeli archaeologist Joe Zias who accused Jacobovici of falsifying historical evide…
Claude F. Mariottini,
What Was Jesus Like: Learning more About Yeshua
As Easter approaches and we enjoy the budding flowers and young children hunting eggs, let’s dedicate 2022 to a more intimate look at the man who walked the earth with the sole purpose of loving mankind.
Jon Frederick and Kathleen Frederick,
Living Beyond Sunday — iWork4Him
You might think we don’t really know much about Jesus’ reputation…but is that really the case! We can learn much about Jesus’s reputation in the marketplace as a carpenter, when we stop and read between the lines. Often a reputation is formed by what isn’t said.
Jim Brangenberg,
The Elect Lady of Second John
Contributor: Chad Roberts Most of scripture can be interpreted using other scripture, for the Bible is its own best commentary. However, there are other portions of scripture that we cannot i…
Kenneth Chad Roberts,
The Elect Lady of Second John
Contributor: Chad Roberts Most of scripture can be interpreted using other scripture, for the Bible is its own best commentary. However, there are other portions of scripture that we cannot i…
Kenneth Chad Roberts,
Feast of the Holy Family: God Dwelt in the Human Family
Christmas is the season for the family. It is the time of the year when all the members of the family needs to be together to celebrate Christmas. Each member of the family wherever he/she is, even…
Joseph Echano,
For My Single Sisters . . . Consider Christ
This morning I’ve been contemplating another aspect of Jesus’ adult life that I don’t often hear mentioned—the fact that He remained single.
Revive Our Hearts,
Sepphoris, Cana, Nazareth, Mt Tabor
Skip to content Visit the hills of Galilee with us. Pilgrims like us have been visiting Galilee for so long, that all sorts of traditions have developed. Based on the New Testament, we have no idea who Mary’s mother was, or where she came from. We don’t know where the...
Allen Browne,
HELANDE, helbrägdagörelse och mirakel än idag och inte bara på apostlarnas tid
Jesus – vår store Helare och Läkare Men hur ska man tolka dessa verser?: Mark 6:3 Är det inte snickaren, Marias son och bror till Jakob och Joses och Judas och Simon? Bor inte hans systrar här hos…
Annika Björk,

Group of Brands