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Unlimited: Jesus And The Syrophoenician Woman | Good News Unlimited
As we read about Jesus and the Syrophoenician Woman, it's clear she wasn’t Jewish. The way that Jesus treated this Gentile woman may seem strange to us.
Eliezer Gonzalez,
Unlimited: Jesus And The Syrophoenician Woman | Good News Unlimited
As we read about Jesus and the Syrophoenician Woman, it's clear she wasn’t Jewish. The way that Jesus treated this Gentile woman may seem strange to us.
Eliezer Gonzalez,
Is a Crumb Enough? - Growing Through God's Word
Is a Crumb Enough? Sue Hitchman looks into the Bible account of the Syrophoenician Canaanite Woman to see what she can learn about this story.
Janis Cox,
"Yes, but . . ." Faith — Jesus' Authority, Our Healing - Booty and Treasures fer All!
“The demon has left your daughter.” Mark 7:29 (Mark 7:24-30) A Greek mother begged the Son ter drive the demon out of her daughter. But the Son replied, “It is not right to take the children’s bread and toss it to the dogs.” Not a very encouraging word from the Son. A good many folks […]
Eddie Jones,
What does it mean to be intentional about the Word of God? - Raising Zion
When can you say, Yes or No? When you are absolutely sure of what you believe. If you believe you can do something, it’s a Yes. If you don’t believe, it will be a No. Maybe = Doubt, will either leave you or the other person frustrated. What gives us the ability to say, Yes […]
Nehemiah Zion,
You Could Be Someone’s Miracle
Be on the lookout. Who is God putting in your path? Be ready to stop. Don’t miss the opportunity. You could be someone’s miracle today.
Sharon Jaynes,
10 Obscure Gospel Moments Most Jesus Films Miss, by Peter Chattaway
10 Obscure Gospel Moments Most Jesus Films Miss A look at commonly neglected gospel stories and films that depict them. By Peter T. Chattaway/ February 22, 2016 Haaz Sleiman in ‘Killin…
Geoff Waugh,
10 Obscure Gospel Moments Most Jesus Films Miss, by Peter Chattaway
10 Obscure Gospel Moments Most Jesus Films Miss A look at commonly neglected gospel stories and films that depict them. By Peter T. Chattaway/ February 22, 2016 Haaz Sleiman in ‘Killin…
Geoff Waugh,
Richard Rohr, Jen Hatmaker, and the Millennial Obsession With Mysticism — The Alisa Childers Podcast #48
​Richard Rohr is a Franciscan Friar who is captivating a generation of spiritual seekers and progressive Christians. Recently, Jen Hatmaker had him as a guest on her podcast, and in today's episode, Marcia Montenegro and I analyze their discussion. Person 4/26/2019 03:08:47 pm I took one of their “ tests”...
Alisa Childers,
Jesus the miracle worker
Jesus the miracle worker By Babatope Babalobi +234 80 35 897435 Save the World Christian ministry Join Telegram prayer group Subscribe to YouTube channel Blog: Acts 10 v…
Babatope Babalobi,

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