Read & Study the Bible Online - Bible Portal
Are You the Messiah? - Booty and Treasures fer All!
After they arrested tha Son, a detachment of soldiers with its commander and some Jewish officials brought him ter Annas, who was the father-in-law of Caiaphas, the high priest. After Annas spoke with tha Son, he sent him bound ter his son-in-law. Caiaphas whar tha one who had said earlier, “It is better that one […]
Eddie Jones,
The Most Important Question Ever Asked
“Who do you say I am?” The question Jesus asked that day is the most important question that has ever been asked.
Greg Laurie,
The Choice We All Must Make
By Greg Laurie – Everyone must make a choice to answer Jesus’ all important question: “Who do you say that I am?”
Greg Laurie,
Put the Christ back in Christology
Calling Jesus “the Christ” is declaring him the ruler chosen by God to restore heaven’s reign to the earth.
Allen Browne,
What does ‘Son of God’ mean (Matthew 16:16)?
There was this special day when Jesus discussed his identity with his followers. It must have been important for Jesus to take them 40 kilometres north of Galilee, a two-day journey to the headwate…
Allen Browne,
Declaring Jesus king (Matthew 16:13-16)
“You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” — Apostle Peter, first century
Allen Browne,
The gospel revelation (Matthew 16:16-18)
The “gospel of the kingdom” expects God to reveal who is king.
Allen Browne,
Are the Psalms messianic?
Do the Psalms tell us about Jesus? Are these verses about Christ? Psalm 22 1 My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? … 16 They have pierced my hands and feet. Psalms 118 22 The stone the builders…
Allen Browne,
Why call God “Father”?
Jesus’ favourite word of God isn’t YHWH. It’s Father. That’s new. Why? Only rarely do you find the Father metaphor in the Old Testament, e.g. Moses asked Israel, “Is not he your father, who created you, who made you and established you?” (Deuteronomy 32:6). Israel’s king could be called God’s...
Allen Browne,
Asking Questions Like Jesus: How to Bring All Ages Together for Family Devotions
By asking thoughtful questions, we reflect the Lord Jesus and His approach to interacting with people.
Revive Our Hearts,

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