Read & Study the Bible Online - Bible Portal
As Serpents and Doves
Frightening headlines and startling polls about Christian decline in America have become commonplace for me. About once a month, if not more often, someone sends me the latest terrifying data that is predicting the inevitable death of Christianity. Worse, the decline in Christian affiliation has occurred simultaneously as a noticeable hostility against Christianity in the public square. ‌How do disciples behave when society becomes hostile to Christianity? ‌First, we take a deep breath and re...
Cole Feix,
Christian Owner’s Manual: Advice from and Acts of Jesus - Booty and Treasures fer All!
He gave them authority to drive out evil spirits and to heal every disease and sickness. Matthew 10:1 “Let your peace rest on the house of the worthy person if the home is deserving. If not, let your peace return to you.” Matthew 10:13 “If anyone will not listen to your words, shake the dust […]
Eddie Jones,
Does Matthew 16:28 refer to Christ’s Physical Return?
Jesus said, "some standing here shall not taste death until they see the Son of Man coming" (Matthew 16:28).
Andries Jacobus van Niekerk,
Does Matthew 16:28 refer to Christ's Physical Return?
Jesus said, “some standing here shall not taste death until they see the Son of Man coming” (Matthew 16:28).
Andries Jacobus van Niekerk,
Links to video sermons by Babatope Babalobi
Kindly find below links to 1000 video sermons by Babatope Babalobi posted on youtube. 10 most popular video sermons Marriage: I want to get married now! Prayers to stop evil dreams and night Delive…
Babatope Babalobi,
Links to video sermons by Babatope Babalobi
10 most popular video sermons Marriage: I want to get married now! Prayers to stop evil dreams and night Deliverance prayers against witchcraft and evil spirits Command the morning prayers: I comma…
Babatope Babalobi,

Group of Brands