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Process of idea execution - Christian Personal Development
The process of idea execution as taught very clearly by Jesus in this parable will impart you. There is a process of planting and growing…
Sesan Oguntade,
Process of idea execution - Christian Personal Development
The process of idea execution as taught very clearly by Jesus in this parable will impart you. There is a process of planting and growing...
Sesan Oguntade,
What can we learn from a tiny seed?
It’s wonderful what Creation can teach us. Did you know that from one of the smallest seeds grows one of the largest trees? The seed of the sequoia is only ¼ the size of a grain of uncooked rice. And yet it grows into the biggest tree, having roots that can cover over 2-4 acres… Continue reading What can we learn from a tiny seed?
Janis Cox,
What can we learn from a tiny seed? - Growing Through God's Word
It’s wonderful what Creation can teach us. Did you know that from one of the smallest seeds grows one of the largest trees? The seed of the sequoia is only ¼ the size of a grain of uncooked rice. And yet it grows into the biggest tree, having roots that can cover over 2-4 acres… Continue reading What can we learn from a tiny seed?
Janis Cox,
A Penny Worth of Faith on Turning Mountains into Molehills
On today’s Turning Mountains into Molehills’ devotional, we explores the ways God used a penny to teach me about a Penny Worth of Faith.
Yvonne M. Morgan,
The Impact of the Daily Drip
God often uses the small things to make a big difference.
Revive Our Hearts,
Hiding Leaven in the Wheat
‌How should we think about our influence as disciples? We tend to worry about how the world will influence us, our children, our churches, and our values, but Christians must remember that influence is a two-way street. Our Lord taught us that we are salt and light (Matthew 5:13-16). The gospel is invading the world, and we are its heralds. In one of Jesus’ shortest and strangest parables, Jesus also tells us that our influence is leaven. “The kingdom of heaven is like yeast that a woman took...
Cole Feix,
The Story of the First Missionary Hymn - Blog - Eternal Perspective Ministries
Whatever the culture or background, Jesus reigns to bless — to redeem all the good, remove all the bad, and scatter gifts with open hands.
Randy Alcorn,
How to increase your faith in God
The level of our faith clarifies the presence of God in our lives. Image: Pablo Heimplatz|Unsplash In our somber moments, we sometimes wonder about the reality of God’s existence. We ask: “How could God exist if He allows the abortion of around 50 million unborn babies each year?” “How could God allow the mass shootings
Joseph Antonio Liao,
What is Faith? Top things about Faith you should know
What is Faith? We are often astonished when asked about belief in the existence of a Creator.In our busy mundane lives, we often think more about ourselves and how to bring food to the dinner table and increase our earthly possessions. Usually, God takes a back seat.We face diverse daily...
Joseph Antonio Liao,

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