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Be The Real You | Good News Unlimited
Are you the real you? You need to be the real you!
Eliezer Gonzalez,
Be The Real You | Good News Unlimited
Are you the real you? You need to be the real you!
Eliezer Gonzalez,
Over the past two weeks, we have been challenged by Jesus with some strong teaching regarding the cost of following him. It is difficult teaching because it is so uncommon in current-generation Christian thought to speak of costs when following Jesus. The more prevalent teaching is saturated with ideas regarding how easy it is and…
Damon J. Gray,
Responding to a 'Try Jesus' Bumper Sticker (Part 2) - Damon J. Gray
Taking Up the Cross In Matthew 10:38 Jesus says that anyone who is unwilling to take up their cross and follow him is unworthy of him. He makes an almost identical statement six chapters later: If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever…
Damon J. Gray,
What are you living for? (Matthew 16:24-26)
A real win isn’t when you crush everyone; it’s when we all win.
Allen Browne,
Jesus’ paradoxical path to power (Matthew 16:27-28)
“Some standing here will not taste death before they see the Son of Man coming in his kingdom.”
Allen Browne,
What's All This Fuss About a Cross? - Damon J. Gray
Reader Advisory: This week’s blog posting is a lengthy one. Find a comfortable chair and grab a full, hot cup of coffee before diving in. The entirety of Christendom is focused this week on the cross. I believe it is important for us to recognize on what, exactly, we are focusing. What follows is an…
Damon J. Gray,
Top ten posts of 2022
(Photo: Unsplash) Skip to content Most popular posts on “Seeking the Kingdom” in 2022. Looking for some holiday reading? See if you missed any of these, the top ten posts from Seeking the Kingdom in 2022: When your life is threatened (Mt 8:23-27) Abraham’s life: a summary (Gen 12–25) “Stand...
Allen Browne,
Christ Plus Nothing
Some years ago I was invited to present the gospel to a group of actors and actresses at a Hollywood hotel. That was a different environment for me, but I was thankful for the opportunity to represent Christ to them. I talked for about forty-five minutes, then challenged the people to trust Christ for salvation.
John MacArthur,
To a Generation of Young Adults Who Don’t Want Kids
Children are not anchors that keep us from kingdom work. They are our kingdom work.
Revive Our Hearts,

Group of Brands