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The Christmas Bill - Jewell Utt
My peaceful walk through the forest was disturbed by sounds of distress. It was a goose wildly shaking his bill, caught in some type of barbed wire. As I cautiously approached, I could see it was scared. My help would only panic him more. I called Animal Control, who amazingly came right over. They sedated the bird to... [Read More]
Jewell Utt,
The Christmas Bill - Jewell Utt
My peaceful walk through the forest was disturbed by sounds of distress. It was a goose wildly shaking his bill, caught in some type of barbed wire. As I cautiously approached, I could see it was scared. My help would only panic him more. I called Animal Control, who amazingly came right over. They sedated the bird to... [Read More]
Jewell Utt,
Helping Give Children Access to Clean Water Is an Eternal Investment - Blog - Eternal Perspective Ministries
Jesus, in Matthew 10:42, makes a startlingly significant promise about a seemingly small act of service: “And whoever gives one of these little ones even a cup of cold water because he is a disciple, truly, I say to you, he will by no means lose his reward.” In that verse, Jesus is referring to His apostles as “these little ones.” And later, in Matthew 25:31-46 Jesus broadens His statement about “I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink” to “whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me” (v. In this video you will meet Luci, a sister in Christ in another part of the world where her life—and those of “the least of these” in her community—radically changed due to the accessibility of fresh water through Water Mission, an organization I truly believe in. It’s not that those things are inherently bad; simply consider their temporal nature and the longer lasting, and so eternally beautiful impact of money given to reach the unreached, get clean water to a remote village, feed hungry children, or educate young people so they can get good jobs and thrive.
Randy Alcorn,
Christian Owner’s Manual: Advice from and Acts of Jesus - Booty and Treasures fer All!
“Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 18:4 “But if anyone encourages these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a large millstone hung around his neck and drowned in the depths of the sea.” Matthew 18:6 “Woe […]
Eddie Jones,
10 Scriptures to Bring Light to the Darkness — Daniel Fast Journey
The Bible tells us to “fear not.” We aren’t overcome by the darkness around us, but we’re called to bring light and life to our communities!
Stephanie C Hodges,
10 Scriptures to Bring Light to the Darkness — Daniel Fast Journey
The Bible tells us to “fear not.” We aren’t overcome by the darkness around us, but we’re called to bring light and life to our communities!
Stephanie C Hodges,
What does the Bible say about hell?
Hope this helps you understand this controversial topic. For 14 years, I’ve been seeking to understand what the Bible says about hell, the Jewish background, and the church’s understanding. Here are the results. You may be surprised how few references there are. The main word (Gehenna) occurs just 12 times....
Allen Browne,
Can the unbaptized people receive God's salvation?
Salvation is ultimately determined by God's grace and mercy, not solely by the act of baptism. Image: Josue Michel | UnsplashHave you ever wondered about the fate of those who have not been baptized? Does God's salvation extend beyond the boundaries of baptism? These questions have been a topic of...
Kathleen Orenza,
The Battle-Spiritual Warfare Scriptures
Welcome back, I hope you are all well and in Good spirit. For this post I will be briefly touching spiritual warfare, Like me if you’re a believer in God who is living like salt and light in…
Kelleigh Wooderson-Hudson,
50 Pro-Life Verses For Inspiration Against Abortion
It’s God’s will for us to fill the earth with our offspring. The sin of shedding innocent blood like abortion should be frowned upon through pro life verses.
Anthony Eshun,

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