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Cheater Apologist: Well, are you without sin?! - Divorce Minister
“She has been cheating on me these last few months. I can’t stay married to her considering all of that,” says the faithful spouse. “Don’t be so hasty. After all, are you without sin?” says the cheater apologist. Such a response from a “Christian” cheater apologist is far from helpful. Not all sins have the … Continue reading "Cheater Apologist: Well, are you without sin?!"
David Derksen,
Cheater Apologist: Well, are you without sin?! - Divorce Minister
“She has been cheating on me these last few months. I can’t stay married to her considering all of that,” says the faithful spouse. “Don’t be so hasty. After all, are you without sin?” says the cheater apologist. Such a response from a “Christian” cheater apologist is far from helpful. Not all sins have the … Continue reading "Cheater Apologist: Well, are you without sin?!"
David Derksen,
Mailbag: How do I move forward? - Divorce Minister
Dear Divorce Minister, It’s intriguing to see the above here. Recently, I found this on another site with a screen shot of a situation involving Steve Kelly and Alice hundy (AJ Hundy) work colleagues, whom had an affair. The dynamics are complicated, with one admitting to the affair to all and the other denying it … Continue reading "Mailbag: How do I move forward?"
David Derksen,
I Almost Wished My Husband Would Have an Affair
​​ I almost wished my husband would have an affair. Then, it would have been okay, biblically speaking, to clearly identify what was wrong and be given permission to leave. After years of...
Linda M. Kurth,
The vicious rage of cheaters - Divorce Minister
You would think a cheater would be the happy one as they are selfishly indulging in illicit sex. Yet they seem to be the most onerous person in the world in interactions with their faithful partner. It is like the faithful partner offended them profoundly as opposed to the opposite as is true. I am … Continue reading “The vicious rage of cheaters”
David Derksen,
"Agreed, you didn't file the papers." - Divorce Minister
“Agreed, you didn’t file the [divorce] papers.” -Church Official After I had successfully defended my ministerial license with my now former denomination, I was forced to undergo a year of pastoral “care.” The official in charge of this year–knowing the awful details of my divorce–made a version of the above statement. If you did not … Continue reading "“Agreed, you didn’t file the papers.”"
David Derksen,
Dear DM, How does a cheater like myself truly come to repentance and empathy? - Divorce Minister
Hi. I am the cheater in my relationship. I have been addicted to porn for 20 years as well as have visited massage parlors and strip clubs for 10 years. My sin is indeed grevious [sic]. My wife is leaving and divorcing me. I agree with everything you say in your posts. I deserve nothing. … Continue reading “Dear DM, How does a cheater like myself truly come to repentance and empathy?”
David Derksen,
If a pastor asks you... - Divorce Minister
If a pastor asks a faithful spouse about your part in the divorce from a known cheater, that is a sign his advice for you is not going to be godly or good for you. This sort of blame-assigning question is like stomping on someone’s foot and then asking your victim what was his part in … Continue reading “If a pastor asks you…”
David Derksen,
Cheaters Exploiting Your Weakness - Divorce Minister
Public Service Announcement: Cheaters are known to try and exploit you when you are most vulnerable. This is why having a good divorce lawyer (and potentially a forensic accountant) is important. A marriage ending is not like breaking up in high school. Real assets are in play. Breaking a marriage covenant has legal and financial consequences. Like so … Continue reading “Cheaters Exploiting Your Weakness”
David Derksen,
Mailbag: How do I move forward? - Divorce Minister
Dear Divorce Minister, It’s intriguing to see the above here. Recently, I found this on another site with a screen shot of a situation involving Steve Kelly and Alice hundy (AJ Hundy) work colleagues, whom had an affair. The dynamics are complicated, with one admitting to the affair to all and the other denying it … Continue reading "Mailbag: How do I move forward?"
David Derksen,

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