Read & Study the Bible Online - Bible Portal
Friday’s Featured Sermon: “Loving God”
“All you need to do is love God and love people.” You’ve likely seen words to that effect on church websites, signs, and bulletins. Those words also often show up in social media and even personal conversations with other believers. They capture a sentiment that is becoming increasingly popular in churches today: Let’s strip away
John MacArthur,
Cardinal Rules of Love – Part 2 – Do you love you?
Many perceive love as being flowery and easy, almost fairytale-like. What we fail to realize is that fairytales always end at “And they lived happily ever after.” leaving us to imagine …
Chanel Robe,
In the Belly of the Whale — The Spacious Place
When I was in third grade, I memorized the Ten Commandments in Sunday School. At the time, the Second Commandment seemed like a no brainer. You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. You shall not bow down to t
Shay S. Mason,
Cardinal Rules of Love – Part 1 – Do you love God?
Many perceive love as being flowery and easy, almost fairytale-like. What we fail to realize is that fairytales always end at “And they lived happily ever after.” leaving us to imagine …
Chanel Robe,
Cardinal Rules of Love – Part 3 – Do you love others?
Many perceive love as being flowery and easy, almost fairytale-like. What we fail to realize is that fairytales always end at “And they lived happily ever after.” leaving us to imagine what happens…
Chanel Robe,
Why Is The New Covenant Better
At the last supper, Jesus offered His disciples the bread symbolizing His broken body. In the same way, also he took the cup, after supper, saying, “This cup is
Robin McKinley,
Cardinal Rules of Love – Part 1 – Do you love God?
Many perceive love as being flowery and easy, almost fairytale-like. What we fail to realize is that fairytales always end at “And they lived happily ever after.” leaving us to imagine …
Chanel Robe,
Answering Claims the Bible Contains Errors, and Why It Matters - Blog - Eternal Perspective Ministries
We can’t take something containing untruths—with no objective way to decide what’s true and what isn’t—and use it to measure whether something else is untrue.
Randy Alcorn,
The Absolute Essentials
BENT, BROKEN, UNBOWED The Ten Commandments for Today INTRODUCTION “In those days Israel had no king; everyone did as he saw fit” (Judges 17:6, NIV). When it comes to our attitude to The Ten Commandments, this statement pretty much tells the story. Influenced by society’s lack of moral and ethical values based on the unchangeable absolutes of Scriptures, even believers have developed the habit of looking at the instructions of Scripture with a “take-it-or-leave-it” attitude, or a “bend-it-as-far-
Lynda Schultz,
The Absolute Essentials
BENT, BROKEN, UNBOWED The Ten Commandments for Today INTRODUCTION “In those days Israel had no king; everyone did as he saw fit” (Judges 17:6, NIV). When it comes to our attitude to The Ten Commandments, this statement pretty much tells the story. Influenced by society’s lack of moral and ethical values based on the unchangeable absolutes of Scriptures, even believers have developed the habit of looking at the instructions of Scripture with a “take-it-or-leave-it” attitude, or a “bend-it-as-far-
Lynda Schultz,

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