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Deliverance Prayers: Powers in heaven shall shake
Matthew 24 vs. 29 – Jesus answered and said unto them, Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God. Dark powers in heavens, lose your hold over my destiny in Jesus name. Dark …
Babatope Babalobi,
Is the last week of Daniel 9:27 the last seven years before Christ returns?
The Poetic Pattern and repetition of words indicate that the desolations are Jerusalem's destruction in AD 70. The last week must be earlier.
Andries Jacobus van Niekerk,
Shaking the powers (Matthew 24:29)
The coming of the son of man is the fall of the superstars from where they had no right to be.
Allen Browne,
Både solen och månen ger sitt eget ljus enligt Bibeln, och är HAN respektive HON
Solen och månen – objekt som ger sitt eget ljus Den mest direkta tolkningen av Bibelns beskrivning av sol och måne är att var och en av dem de ger sitt eget ljus. Frågan är om vi vill vara är…
Annika Björk,
One taken; one left (Matthew 24:37-41)
All people should be treated equally. That’s basic ethics. So, is the world unjust if two people doing the same thing are treated differently?
Allen Browne,
Fig trees and seasonal change (Matthew 24:32-35)
The seasonal change is here, if you know where to look. If you’ve read Matthew 24 as a chart of events in our future (a 7-year tribulation, then Jesus turning up in the sky with trumpets etc), you’ll be shocked to hear Jesus telling his disciples that all these things...
Allen Browne,
Bible prophecy: How will the world end?
Commentary on Matthew 24: Signs of the end times By Babatope Babalobi +2348035897435 Phase 1- Beginning of sorrows (Matthew 24 vs.5) – For many will come in my name, cl…
Babatope Babalobi,
Coming with the clouds (Matthew 24:30)
Armies give power to emperors, but only one ruler has the backing of the clouds of heaven’s hosts.
Allen Browne,
Why are the people of earth mourning? (Matthew 24:30-31)
Two pictures combined in one, the reconciliation of heaven and earth.
Allen Browne,
How Many Heavens are there?
Last week, a friend of mine ask me a question I had never been asked before, “How many heavens are there?” I promised her I would lo…
Russ Sharrock,

Group of Brands