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Stefan Swärd och andra pastorer som startat en strid mellan kristna om SD
Pastorer som tillskriver medmänniskor åsikter de inte har och förtalar dem – samt förundras över det dåliga samtalsklimatet om invandring? Det är ett mysterium hur Stefan Swärd och ca 380 a…
Annika Björk,
Your Voice Can Be Heard
It sounds like a cliché, but your voice does make a difference. I don’t like to brag, but I was elected to office when I was young. I was going to be a real mover-and-shaker because, as a fre…
Lynn H. Pryor,
Food insecurity: A collaborative way to put an end to hunger
Have you ever seen someone, a child or an adult, asking for food because they are hungry? Maybe you have noticed their tired faces, full of sadness. Imagine how terrible it must feel to be in their situation.In today's world, this is not a rare sight. Many countries have a...
What Makes Christian Love Unique
One of the key differences between Christians and those of other faiths or worldviews is the expression of love. Even the newest of Christians knows that love is central to Christianity. Love defin…
Lynn H. Pryor,
'Serving the least of these': A Christian duty to feed the hungry
In the mid-20th century, Calcutta was marred by extreme poverty, overpopulation, and unsanitary living conditions. Mother Teresa, born Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu, felt a deep calling to alleviate the suffering she witnessed daily. In 1950, she founded the Missionaries of Charity, a religious congregation dedicated to serving the poor and marginalized.Her...
Joseph Antonio Liao,
Trusting in God More than Money on Turning Mountains into Molehills
Today on Turning Mountains into Molehills we examine how money impacts our faith. Do I trust in God more than in my money?
Yvonne M. Morgan,
The Benefits of Submission
SUBMIT! That seems like such a harsh word. It surely is a harsh word for those who’ve been forced to submit in an abusive, forceful, or oppressive way. I grieve for them because submission is actually a beautiful concept when it’s used and followed as God intended.
Lynn H. Pryor,
Seven Reasons Christianity Outshines Socialism
I’m a history nerd, and if history has taught me anything, it’s this: socialism does not work. So why is socialism raising its ineffective head these days? Popular culture is woefully i…
Lynn H. Pryor,
Stunning Examples of Hospitality in the Bible and Ways to Practice it Today
What comes to mind when you think of “biblical hospitality”? A Pinterest-perfect table setting with china and cloth napkins folded into tulips? It can be, but it is much more (and less) than that. Hospitality is defined as “Hospitality is the friendly reception and treatment of guests, or strangers, warmly and generously.” Hospitality in the
Sue Nelson,
A Biblical Response to The Epidemic of Loneliness
Sometimes the Lord will use loneliness to help us rest, even when we are resisting it. Reflecting on God’s goodness and blessing in our lives can dissipate the feelings of loneliness.
Keri L. Willis,

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