Read & Study the Bible Online - Bible Portal
What is a 1 Minute Prayer Plan? - Growing Through God's Word
What is a 1 Minute Prayer Plan? by Susan Harris. “Couldn’t you pray with me for one hour?” Jesus asked his disciples (Matthew 26:40.)
Janis Cox,
How long should Christian pray?
Matthew 26 vs. 40-41 – 40 And he cometh unto the disciples, and findeth them asleep, and saith unto Peter, What, could ye not watch with me one hour? 41 Watch and pray, that ye enter not into…
Babatope Babalobi,
Living in the Power of His Resurrection
“Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ and be found in him, Read More
Mike Genung,
Living in the Power of His Resurrection
“Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ and be found in him, Read More
Mike Genung,
So You Think God Can’t Use You
Throughout Scripture, God used unlikely people to accomplish his will. What makes you think he won’t use you too? God used and still does use imperfect people all the time to complete his mis…
Paula Short,
Sermon: Relationship between Saint Peter the Apostles and Jesus Christ
1. He was personally called by Jesus Christ into the ministry, to become fishers of men. – Mathew 4 vs. 18-19 – 18 And Jesus, walking by the sea of Galilee, saw two brethren, Simon calle…
Babatope Babalobi,
Links to video sermons by Babatope Babalobi
Kindly find below links to 1000 video sermons by Babatope Babalobi posted on youtube. 10 most popular video sermons Marriage: I want to get married now! Prayers to stop evil dreams and night Delive…
Babatope Babalobi,
Links to video sermons by Babatope Babalobi
10 most popular video sermons Marriage: I want to get married now! Prayers to stop evil dreams and night Deliverance prayers against witchcraft and evil spirits Command the morning prayers: I comma…
Babatope Babalobi,

Group of Brands