Read & Study the Bible Online - Bible Portal
Why Even "Just a Little" Porn Use is a Big Deal
by Mike Genung A little while ago I called an old friend to say hello, and the conversation turned to my involvement in helping the sexually broken. After I shared of my 20 year struggle with sex addiction, my friend said “well, I’m no sex Read More
Mike Genung,
Why Even "Just a Little" Porn Use is a Big Deal
by Mike Genung A little while ago I called an old friend to say hello, and the conversation turned to my involvement in helping the sexually broken. After I shared of my 20 year struggle with sex addiction, my friend said “well, I’m no sex Read More
Mike Genung,
Evil recognizes God in us! - Divorce Minister
When he saw Jesus from a distance, he ran and fell on his knees in front of him. He shouted at the top of his voice, “What do you want with me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? In God’s name don’t torture me!” -Mark 5:6-7, NIV Serious spiritual dimensions are at play in adultery situations. Some … Continue reading “Evil recognizes God in us!”
David Derksen,
Respecting And Covering One's Body Is Not Body Shaming - Impacting Righteously
It is sad that some women feel that their bodies are being shamed by conservatives and other people in general. We live in an age of “liberation” where there is an almost anything goes …
Petrina Ferguson,
How Many Times Does Jesus Say He Hates Divorce? - Divorce Minister
How many times does Jesus say that he hates divorce? 0 Zilch. None. Not once. This might surprise you if you’ve heard teachings on this from the pulpit. You probably have heard messages about how God hates divorce. However, well-meaning Christian leaders usually omit that this passage (Malachi 2:16) is really about using divorce to … Continue reading “How Many Times Does Jesus Say He Hates Divorce?”
David Derksen,
The Ten Commandments | Exodus 20
Welcome to Real Life . I love God’s Word (the Bible). I get to know him as I read his Word. It’s also full of wisdom and practical Re…
Peggi Tustan,
How Were the Books of the Bible Chosen?
If you’ve ever wondered how the books in our Bible made the final cut, wonder no more. We’ve got the answer.
Revive Our Hearts,
Handling Scripture as Jesus did (Matthew 19:4-9)
Disciples learn by seeing what the Master does. I especially enjoy seeing how Jesus handled Scripture (hermeneutics). Surprisingly, he privileged some parts above others. When they asked him about applying Deuteronomy 24 (divorce law), Jesus said this isn’t what God always intended. It was a concession God gave them, because...
Allen Browne,
Best Bible verses about love for you
Bible verses about love bring comfort into our lives.Love is needed in a world full of hatred, violence, war, tragedy, and brokenness. Because of our distorted love of the self and the enemy's deceptions, we define love according to our standards and interests.As a result, God is often left out...
Joseph Antonio Liao,

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