Read & Study the Bible Online - Bible Portal
Jesus Condemned Emotional Affairs, Too. - Divorce Minister
Engaging in dating-like behavior with someone other than your spouse is certainly sinfully wrong. Those sort of energies were pledged to the spouse. If they are given to another, they are stolen from the faithful party.
David Derksen,
Viewing Pornography sites
Sex sin can destroy marriages and families. Adultery often destroys marriages and families. The husband and the wife will suffer emotional, spiritual and even physical damage when the bond of fidel…
Babatope Babalobi,
Peek-a-Boo Porn in a Pastor’s Life - Charles Stone
Pornography can be trap for pastors. In this post I write about a subtle form of pornography we need to guard against.
Charles Stone,
Divorce is NOT the enemy! Sin is. - Divorce Minister
A pet peeve of mine is hearing pastors talk about the tragedy of divorce as if this the problem. Such talk reinforces ungodly and unhealthy perspectives on divorce. The focus needs to be upon the sin.
David Derksen,
A pass given for emotional affairs too often - Divorce Minister
But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart. -Matthew 5:28, NIV Too often, emotional affairs are treated by Christians and professionals as symptoms as opposed to sins. Clearly, Jesus saw emotional affairs as sins. They were only symptomatic insofar as they are … Continue reading "A pass given for emotional affairs too often"
David Derksen,
Good Men Vs. God Dependent Men: Killing the Lie of Condemnation that Binds Men in Sexual Sin - Intercession For A Generation Blog
So, last week I was asked a question on a radio show interview of whether I masturbate or not. The host looked at me very intently slightly surprised by my answ
Russelyn Williams,
The stars in my eyes turned to clouds in my coffee
By Elizabeth Prata It’s wedding season when so many young women get married. The flurry of bridal showers, wedding planning, caterers, dress fittings. Then the big day comes, it’s a hig…
Elizabeth Prata,
Respecting And Covering One's Body Is Not Body Shaming - Impacting Righteously
It is sad that some women feel that their bodies are being shamed by conservatives and other people in general. We live in an age of “liberation” where there is an almost anything goes …
Petrina Ferguson,
Rules Do Not Work - Divorce Minister
A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you: and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you an heart of flesh. -Ezekiel 36:26, KJV I can remember when we sat down to hash out THE LIST. This list … Continue reading “Rules Do Not Work”
David Derksen,
Kan SYNDA jämföras med att av misstag köra lite för fort – över hastighetsgränsen?
Att vara villig att lyda överheten Det finns en del kristna som gärna jämför synd med att av misstag köra lite för fort – fortare än hastighetsgränsen – utan att tänka på det, men det ä…
Annika Björk,

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