Read & Study the Bible Online - Bible Portal
Do Not Sound a Trumpet Before You (Virtue Signal)
Take heed that ye do not your alms before men, to be seen of them: otherwise ye have no reward of your Father which is in heaven. 2 Therefore when thou doest thine alms, do not sound a trumpet…
Amanda Carey,
Do Not Sound a Trumpet Before You (Virtue Signal)
Take heed that ye do not your alms before men, to be seen of them: otherwise ye have no reward of your Father which is in heaven. 2 Therefore when thou doest thine alms, do not sound a trumpet…
Amanda Carey,
Love Actually... - After the Altar Call
Hello World!!! I have missed you sooo much! I’ve been working on a freelance assignment that has been sucking all of my creative juice and left me little time to wax whimsical on this blog. But this morning, I have put my foot down. I must write. You need for me to write…not hardly, I […]
Jacqueline J. Holness,
Are you longing to be seen?
Scripture: “Be especially careful when you are trying to be good so that you don’t make a performance out of it. It might be good theater, but the God who made you won’t be applauding. When you do something for someone else, don’t call attention to yourself. You’ve seen them in action, I’m sure—‘playactors’ I call them—treating prayer meeting and street corner alike as a stage, acting compassionate as long as someone is watching, playing to the crowds. They get applause, true, but that’s all the
Molly Wilcox,
How To Not Be A Religious Hypocrite? - Raising Zion
Every believer is a religious hypocrite in some form. It takes patience and diligent surrender to get the layers peeled off.
Nehemiah Zion,
A generous kingdom (Matthew 6:1-4)
How did Jesus imagine the world would be set right? You may be surprised.
Allen Browne,
The Reversal Doctrine - Blog - Eternal Perspective Ministries
The reversal doctrine is comforting to the poor and weak, and threatening to the rich and powerful.
Randy Alcorn,
Tithes and Offerings: Bible study
Dearly Beloved, RENEW YOUR GIVING (Part 2) “Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each man should give wha…
Babatope Babalobi,
Jesus' Sermon on the Mount: Lessons you can get
The Sermon on the Mount is a core message of Christianity. Image: Matt Thornhill|Unsplash On a mountainside adjacent to the Sea of Galilee, Jesus Christ delivered a most important message to His disciples and followers: the Sermon on the Mount. The authority and sovereignty of God deeply pervaded the terrain as Jesus enlightened and awed
Joseph Antonio Liao,

Group of Brands