Read & Study the Bible Online - Bible Portal
Do Not Be Deceived
As I sat down to begin my Bible study for the day, I noticed a small ladybug crawling across the top of my desk. Or, was it a ladybug? I would have assumed it was, but a few years ago I was...
Donna Sparks,
Do Not Be Deceived
As I sat down to begin my Bible study for the day, I noticed a small ladybug crawling across the top of my desk. Or, was it a ladybug? I would have assumed it was, but a few years ago I was...
Donna Sparks,
Christian Owner's Manual: Advice from and Acts of Jesus - Booty and Treasures fer All!
“Do not judge, or you too will be judged. In the same way you judge others, you will be judged. With the measure you judge, it will be measured to you.” Matt 7:1-2 “Take the plank out of your own eye. Then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.” Matt […]
Eddie Jones,
When the Wolf Says, “God Lied”
It is a rarity for me to call out a single person’s gross error on my blog. I cringe writing blog posts like this one. I’m far more interested in building up and encouraging by passing along teaching that exhorts and equips. Today, however, that is not the case. There are things that happen, so…
Damon J. Gray,

Group of Brands