Read & Study the Bible Online - Bible Portal
Easter is Coming — Vaneetha Risner
On Palm Sunday I felt guilty that I had not taken much time to reflect on Easter. But then I realized Easter is not about my effort but about God’s unequivocal triumph.
Vaneetha Risner,
To the Unknown Pastor
There’s no substitute for being where God has called you to be doing what God has called you to do. You can plan and orchestrate your path but only God’s plans can never be thwarted. His, not our, wisdom is unsearchable and his ways are higher than our ways. He has you right where he desires you to be – to do all he desires you to do. I started dwelling on this point as I was reading and listening to biographical sketches of the Puritans. It’s surprising how plain many of their conversions we…
Cole Feix,
Is My Faith Being Tested During A Storm In Life? - Christian Perspectives
Storms create much interest and at the same time can generate fear. So we must ask this question. Is my faith being tested in the storm?
Robin McKinley,
The Lord took the lowest of the low and turned their words into the highest of the high – 3 Conversion stories
By Elizabeth Prata Do you feel like you want to make an impact for the Kingdom, but you’re insignificant and what you’re doing amounts to nothing? Do you feel like the glories you share…
Elizabeth Prata,
Sunday Stillness - How to Face Uncertainty - Growing Through God's Word
Each day is filled with a newness, a wonder. But each day could bring changes. We don’t know. A storm could arise.
Janis Cox,
How To Use Affirmation For Success To Make Progression In Life
There you are contemplating what will happen tomorrow. Clear your doubts, fears, and weakness now. You need affirmation for success…
Anthony Eshun,
Storms — Carol McLeod Ministries | Find Joy in Your Everyday Life
What storm has blown into your life lately? Rather than being destroyed by this tempest, what if you allowed the disturbance to increase your capacity for rapid growth and fulfilling your destiny in God?
Carol McLeod,
How to Have Off-Road Big-Tire Faith - Sharon Jaynes
When Jesus invites me to go off-road with big tire faith, off the well-paved path where believers for centuries have traveled mundane, mediocre, safe-faith roads, I’m all in.
Sharon Jaynes,
Loving Like Jesus Loved
Loving like Jesus loved is far from easy. Jesus loved everyone unconditionally, He accepted them where they were at, treated them as friends, healed their diseases and provided for their physical n…
Lisa Price,
Loving Like Jesus Loved
Loving like Jesus loved is far from easy. Jesus loved everyone unconditionally, He accepted them where they were at, treated them as friends, healed their diseases and provided for their physical n…
Lisa Price,

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