Read & Study the Bible Online - Bible Portal
Do you have a hero or a heroine in life? — Carol McLeod Ministries | Find Joy in Your Everyday Life
Do you know the difference between a hero or a heroine and a role model? A hero or heroine is likely someone whom you have never met and yet you stand in amazement at the way that this amazing individual chose to live their one glorious life.
Carol McLeod,
What Is Right? - A Definition Lost - Craig Lounsbrough
What is ‘right?’ What provides our guiding function? What is our “north star?” Our constant? Our set of rules that keep us civil? Our code? Or… is our code the commitment to the absence of a code? What is ‘right?’ The Question… The question, “What is right,” must be asked without our efforts to choose […]
Craig Lounsbrough,
Dear Approval Idol, We’re Done
Dear Approval Idol: I’ve had enough. We’re finished! This time it’s really over. It’s been a tough split. You tempt me to come back to you, reminding me that without her approval or his approval, I’ll be alone. I’ll never succeed. You lure me with thoughts that I’ll never be satisfied without you. But, we both …
Heather Creekmore,
What Micah 6:8 means for moms | Christie Thomas
How can we do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly when we’re wiping butts and cooking food all day?
Christie Thomas,
A Biblical Prescription For Racial Equality And Social Justice - Chip Tudor Communications - Dayton, Ohio
The Bible addresses social justice and racial equality. And it prescribes a solution where all human behavior originates and is transformed–in the heart.
Chip Tudor,
A Biblical Prescription For Racial Equality And Social Justice
The Bible addresses social justice and racial equality. And it prescribes a solution where all human behavior originates and is transformed--in the heart.
Chip Tudor,
Simple & Humble — Broken & Hopeful
So many things over the last few months have felt complicated, stressful and downright scary. I find some humor in the fact that the answers God keeps giving me about each of these situations is very similar—keep it simple. I’m grateful He doesn’t add the “stupid” as some do, but He does remind me r
Hannah Morrell,
The Christian Parent's Guide To Encouraging Child Activism
Child activism may seem like a misnomer, but some kids are hardwired to be activists. Let’s guide their justice-minded hearts toward helping others!
Christie Thomas,
Revenge is a Beast that is never satisfied — SAMUELDEUTH.COM
I want Justice and Mercy for all people no matter who they are. And we’re in heavy and painful time in America where some feel like injustice is happening and that the system is against them. Now, We all need mercy and our world cannot be at peace without justice. Micah 6:8 He has shown you, O mo
Samuel Deuth,
Revenge is a Beast that is never satisfied — SAMUELDEUTH.COM
I want Justice and Mercy for all people no matter who they are. And we’re in heavy and painful time in America where some feel like injustice is happening and that the system is against them. Now, We all need mercy and our world cannot be at peace without justice. Micah 6:8 He has shown you, O mo
Samuel Deuth,

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