Read & Study the Bible Online - Bible Portal
Body-Building Faith: Atrophy
We have a unique ability as believers; we can either strengthen our faith enormously or destroy it., by how we choose to live.
Maureen Hall Puccini,
They Have Been Destroyed in Korah’s Rebellion—Jude 11 - Booty and Treasures fer All!
Should ya find yerself amongst congregants where the spirit of Korah is at work, consider praying this prayer out loud. (Yes, we are all guilty of allowing heretics and unclean spirits to attack the Body of Christ.) Woe to them! They have taken the way of Cain; they have rushed for profit into Balaam’s […]
Eddie Jones,
***Devotional – Korah’s Redemption***
Read: Numbers 16:1-35, 26:11 “You have gone too far! For all in the congregation are holy, every one of them, and the Lord is among them. Why then do you exalt yourselves above the assembly of th…
Remi Oyedele,
***Devotional – Korah’s Redemption***
Read: Numbers 16:1-35, 26:11 “You have gone too far! For all in the congregation are holy, every one of them, and the Lord is among them. Why then do you exalt yourselves above the assembly of th…
Remi Oyedele,
6 Dangers of Self-appointed Leaders - Charles Stone
Self-appointed leaders will run into danger yet God-appointed leaders will be blessed. Learn which one you are.
Charles Stone,
The Story Of Korah In The Bible
I am thankful that the Bible included the story of Korah. He led a group of people to rebel against God’s chosen leaders. Nobody should want a similar outcome
Robin McKinley,

Group of Brands