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A slip of Truth - Divorce Minister
“But if you fail to do this, you will be sinning against the Lord; and you may be sure that your sin will find you out.” -Numbers 32:23, NIV A slip. An admission is made. The veil of lies is lifted for a brief moment of truth-telling. Then it is back to the old games of … Continue reading "A slip of Truth"
David Derksen,
Redefining Sin
I remember the first time I heard a cuss word on TV. I remember the show; I remember the scene. My reaction was, “Whoa. They just pushed the envelope.” Some would laugh today if I mentioned the sho…
Lynn H. Pryor,
Silver Lining of Ashley Madison Hack - Divorce Minister
While I do not condone the hacking of a business website–it is wrong and criminal–I am appreciative of the what has happened since the publication of Ashley Madison data. Call it a silver-lining: 1. Victims of deception and cheating became empowered by knowledge. I am not of the camp that considers the cheaters victims … Continue reading “Silver Lining of Ashley Madison Hack”
David Derksen,
When is it Okay to Sin?
Wages of sin is death. How desperate do you have to be before you make a deliberate decision to sin? Do you tell a lie to cover something you did wrong, so you don’t lose your job or your spouse? D…
Mark Brady,
Devastating NYT article on Rev Bill Hybels - Divorce Minister
…and be sure your sin will find you out. -Numbers 32:23, KJV In a devastating article by Laurie Goodstein for The New York Times, Rev. Bill Hybels enters the limelight again for allegations of sexual impropriety. This time the accuser is Pat Baranowski who was an assistant to Rev. Bill Hybels back in the 1980s. According … Continue reading “Devastating NYT article on Rev Bill Hybels”
David Derksen,
Let’s Stop Redefining Sin
I remember the first time I heard a cuss word on TV. I remember the show; I remember the scene. My reaction was, “Whoa. They just pushed the envelope.” Some would laugh today if I mentioned the sho…
Lynn H. Pryor,
Destination RESToration: Call the Carpenter
We don’t want to ask for help or let anyone see our flaws. We make a mess of things and ask for help after the fact. Or worse, we make a mess and then just try to hide so no one will discover our f…
Keri L. Willis,
Ashley Madison Got It Half Right
Ashley Madison is not your friendly eHarmony website. Sure, it’s promoted as online dating and a social networking site, but Ashley Madison goes after married individuals. Their tag line says…
Lynn H. Pryor,
The Sad Truth Concerning #Metoo
Crude comments, unwelcome touching, and rape are wrong for many reasons, most of which are clearly obvious to thinking people. At the root of every single one of those many reasons is the reality t…
Lisa Price,
The Sad Truth Concerning #Metoo
Crude comments, unwelcome touching, and rape are wrong for many reasons, most of which are clearly obvious to thinking people. At the root of every single one of those many reasons is the reality t…
Lisa Price,

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