Read & Study the Bible Online - Bible Portal
Discovering the Good in the Bad
I sat in the dimly lit room with soft music wafting through the air, and I began to relax. No this was not the prelude to a romantic evening with my husband. It was my yearly eye exam! If you’ve ever had an eye exam, you’re familiar with the refraction test the doctor uses to determine if you need glasses and if so, Read more...
Sharon Jaynes,
Looking Through The Right Lens - Sharon Jaynes
As I looked through those various lenses, I wondered if I was looking at my life through the correct lens. Could it be that I was looking at my story through the wrong lens, and if I would simply flip down a different one, I would see a better story?
Sharon Jaynes,
Looking at Life Through the Right Lens - Sharon Jaynes
As I looked through those various lenses, I wondered if I was looking at my life through the correct lens. Could it be that I was looking at my story through the wrong lens, and if I would simply flip down a different one, I would see a better story?
Sharon Jaynes,
What’s the good news in the New Testament?
What is the gospel? Ask many people in our churches and they’ll tell you it’s about how you get saved, by asking God to forgive your sins. Would it surprise you to know that that’s not what the gos…
Allen Browne,

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