Read & Study the Bible Online - Bible Portal
Honoring a Partner in the Gospel - Enjoying the Journey
On Monday, November 7, 2022 I was sitting in a hotel room in Iowa when I received one of the […]
Scott Pauley,
Conduct Yourselves - Making Scripture Relevant
25th Sunday Ordinary Time 2nd Reading - Philippians 20c-24,27a
Heather Neds,
Conduct Yourselves - Making Scripture Relevant
25th Sunday Ordinary Time 2nd Reading - Philippians 20c-24,27a
Heather Neds,
Filling America with the Gospel - An Easter Week Challenge - Enjoying the Journey
By 7 am, a tremendous group of pastors had identified themselves as being on the call. It was my privilege […]
Scott Pauley,
How To Be An Influencer
In the last few months, in social media circles, I’ve been hearing the term influencer . These are typically women who have esta…
Karen Del Tatto,
Porn is Not Love – Pathways to Organization
With Valentine’s Day being celebrated this week, I started to think how nice it is to have a day solely committed to love! It’s a chance for me to tell my daughters, my granddaughter and of course, my husband how much I love them.
Lane Jordan,
A Better View of Home
I’ve grown weary of hearing/reading the many buzzwords, virtue signals, and phrases of offense being thrown around lately. It can be exhausting to attempt to live up to the standards and expectations of others. Don’t mention critical race theory. People will say [ any number of things]. Don’t say that! They’ll think you’re “woke” or worse…
Damon J. Gray,
No Lounging in Christ (Pt. 2) - Damon J. Gray
The Greek adverb, αξιως (axios), is translated as “worthy of” in all of its six NASB New Testament occurrences, and five of those six instances are directly tied to our walking in a manner worthy of God, worthy of the gospel of Christ, or worthy of our heavenly calling. Just as we walk in the…
Damon J. Gray,
How to Pray Scripture for Yourself and Others
Another blog on prayer, you say? Truth is, it is an area that I continue to grow in. While I crave the written word, and have learned to converse easily with God, there are times when, if I’…
Vickie Munton,
Partnering with Local Churches for a Gospel Advance - Enjoying the Journey
Gospel work is the work of local churches and, as an evangelist, it is a great privilege to partner with pastors and churches for the advancement of the gospel. The gospel is still the power of God to salvation (Romans 1:16), the Holy Spirit is still at work (John 16:8), and Christ is still building His church (Matthew 16:18). If…
Scott Pauley,

Group of Brands