Read & Study the Bible Online - Bible Portal
Circus Town
I have lived in Oklahoma for at least half my life, but I learned something new the other day. “Circus Town” Back when circuses were popular, and traveled from town to town 22 different ones winter…
Mark Brady,
Dealing with Conflict as an Artist
I’m in the middle of an argument with a friend of mine. It has to do with the role of the arts in evangelism, so it is a pretty impassioned disagreement. But I’m not experiencing any gr…
Manuel A. Luz,
Praying with one accord manifests great wonders - Raising Zion
The entire point of fellowship is the power in praying with one accord. Is it that simple to pray together in unity? What is most necessary?
Nehemiah Zion,
How a new mind transforms the world
Romans 12 (NIV) 2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is — his good, pleasing and…
Allen Browne,
A Departure From Evangelicalism? (part 1)
A Shocking Statement About Evangelicalism Evangelicalism Defined Webster’s Dictionary defines evangelical as synonymous with protestant , which broadly means “a Christian not of a Catholic or…
Chrys Jones,
A Departure From Evangelicalism? (part 1)
A Shocking Statement About Evangelicalism Evangelicalism Defined Webster’s Dictionary defines evangelical as synonymous with protestant , which broadly means “a Christian not of a Catholic or...
Chrys Jones,
Who Is A Disciple? - Raising Zion
It’s normal for a teacher to have many student admirers at the same time. Out of respect and love some copy the teacher’s style, some the smile, and some others, the teacher’s file 😄 Nevertheless, a true admirer of that teacher is a student who readily follows the teacher’s discipline and teaching. The teacher and […]
Nehemiah Zion,
The Church: Don't Give Up on God's Plan - Blog - Eternal Perspective Ministries
Eternal Perspective Ministries is a Bible-believing, Christ-centered nonprofit organization founded by author Randy Alcorn.
Randy Alcorn,
10 Character Traits to Teach to Children (& Ourselves) {+ Printables}
Raising a human being is an amazing experience, but teaching character must be high priority.
Julie Ann Filter,
Play The Part: Don't Let FOMO Ruin The Show - Joyfully Pressing On
The Author will have something to say to each of us on the part we have played. The playing it well is what matters infinitely. -C.S. Lewis
Abigail Wallace,

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