Read & Study the Bible Online - Bible Portal
What to Do if You Hate Your Stomach (or Other Body Parts)
Today we’re going to talk about what to do if there’s a part of your body that you hate–that you want to change or maybe even are obsessing over changing. I …
Heather Creekmore,
Breaking the chains of excess: Confronting food addiction and resisting gluttony
A man holding a bowl of food. (Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya from Pexels)Food fuels us, cheers us up, and lights up our lives. But for other people, it can become a menace and demanding bully. Food addiction is a real struggle, hurting both body and mind. But there's good news!...
Joseph Antonio Liao,
Beyond the plate: The modern idols of gluttony
Two persons eating doughnuts. (Photo by cottonbro studio from Pexels) The enchanting rush of New York City, its vibrant hustle, and the array of restaurants have so much to offer: a street food vendor or a trendy food spot beacon calls to our palate. We quickly become prey to food...
Joseph Antonio Liao,
Gluttony Is A Sin, Says The Bible: Find The Truth Behind
Whether you believe or not believe, gluttony is a sin. It is not so different from gossip. Why not find out now why glutton is a sin?. Christians should not let this kind of sin be an oversight. The bible has clear explanation for us all. Avoid overeating an glorify God with your body and soul.
Anthony Eshun,
The Sin of Gluttony, and a Reminder of What We Really Hunger for - Blog - Eternal Perspective Ministries
Whether you are fat or skinny, God’s Word tells us that gluttony—eating too much—is a sin (Proverbs 23:2, 20, 21; Philippians 3:19).
Randy Alcorn,
What is Gluttony, Really? What the Bible Really Says About Gluttony
Today Heather digs into the topic of gluttony. So many of us have been taught in the church that gluttony equals overeating. We've felt shame, guilt, a ...
Heather Creekmore,

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