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How We Really Pray for Our Teens - Bravester
Does hearing this honesty help you to more bravely pray? Because I believe this is truth about prayer. We often don’t make sense and God hears us anyway.
Brenda Seefeldt Amodea,
Believe it. THAT devious! - Divorce Minister
The LORD detests lying lips, but he delights in those who tell the truth. -Proverbs 12:22, NLT Yes, THAT devious! I doubt I am the only one who struggled to believe my (now) ex-wife was that devious. It is kind of baked into a healthy marriage that we give each other the benefit of the … Continue reading "Believe it. THAT devious!"
David Derksen,
How We Really Pray for Our Teens - Bravester
Does hearing this honesty help you to more bravely pray? Because I believe this is truth about prayer. We often don’t make sense and God hears us anyway.
Brenda Seefeldt Amodea,
Pro-Tip: Do NOT accept allowing the cheater to end it without you. - Divorce Minister
Lying lips are abomination to the LORD: but they that deal truly are his delight. -Proverbs 12:22, KJV Liars lie. And cheaters by the fact that they cheated are liars. A wise person does not just take them at their word. Words need to be verified by action. I do not recommend trusting a cheater … Continue reading “Pro-Tip: Do NOT accept allowing the cheater to end it without you.”
David Derksen,
Words from a proven liar - Divorce Minister
The LORD detests lying lips, but he delights in people who are trustworthy. -Proverbs 12:22, NIV A spouse cannot commit adultery without being a liar. They vowed to “forsake all others,” and they broke that vow. They lied. This is an important truth to keep in mind when dealing with a cheater. It is vital … Continue reading “Words from a proven liar”
David Derksen,
Be present when the cheater "ends" it - Divorce Minister
Lying lips are abomination to the LORD: but they that deal truly are his delight. -Proverbs 12:22, KJV Liars lie. And cheaters by the fact that they cheated are liars. A wise person does not just take them at their word. Words need to be verified by action. I do not recommend trusting a cheater … Continue reading “Be present when the cheater “ends” it”
David Derksen,
Years of Infidelity Makes Godly Marriage Restoration Doubtful - Divorce Minister
The LORD detests lying lips, but he delights in those who tell the truth. -Proverbs 12:22, NLT Recently, I was reading a book about apologies and forgiveness. It is a book by a well-known, evangelical Christian author. But I will neither name the author(s) or the book for the purpose of today’s post. Those details … Continue reading “Years of Infidelity Makes Godly Marriage Restoration Doubtful”
David Derksen,
Praying the Truth of My Soul (Which is Not in Complete Sentences) - Bravester
What is a prayer. How do my crazy rambling thoughts make up a prayer? Is it a prayer it if is selfish? Here's a prayer definition.
Brenda Seefeldt Amodea,
Ask Chuck: Protect yourself and your loved ones during the holidays
Dear Chuck, My elderly parents get scam phone calls, emails and texts constantly. I worry they are going to fall for one of these since both are kindhearted and trusting. I know they are vulnerable. How do I help them? Worried about Scams Dear Worried about Scams, The Lord detests lying lips (Proverbs 12:22), and
The Christian Post,
Praying the Truth of My Soul (Which is Not in Complete Sentences) - Bravester
Is it easier to declare that you are not a good prayer person than it is for you to actually trust God to hear you and answer your prayers?
Brenda Seefeldt Amodea,

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