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The Privileged Life: A “Yes” Reminder in a World of “No”
“For all the promises of God in Him are Yes, and in Him Amen, to the glory of God through us.” (2 Corinthians 1:20) Are you having one of those days when everyone tells you “no”? No, you …
Nancy C. Williams,
Why Wisdom?
Common Sense: plain, ordinary good judgment [] “Why do they call it common sense when it’s really not all that common?” I laughed when I heard Pastor/husband say it…
Vickie Munton,
How do we Survive and Thrive in a World of Folly and Stupidity?
Folly is easy. Folly is stupidity and absurdity. Folly is knowingly doing the wrong thing because it feels good or appears to be advantageous or expedient in the moment. Folly is willfully ignoring…
Lisa Price,
How do we Survive and Thrive in a World of Folly and Stupidity?
Folly is easy. Folly is stupidity and absurdity. Folly is knowingly doing the wrong thing because it feels good or appears to be advantageous or expedient in the moment. Folly is willfully ignoring…
Lisa Price,
30 empowering Bible verses about lying to help you stop the habit
Bible verses about lying serve as guidelines and reminders for believers, highlighting the significance of truthfulness. Image: Aaron Burden | UnsplashIs honesty truly the best policy? This moral dilemma has challenged individuals, societies, and even religious communities throughout the ages. With Bible verses about lying, we find inspirational words illuminating...
Kathleen Orenza,

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