Read & Study the Bible Online - Bible Portal
How to Memorize Bible Verses with Your Kids
25 tips to help you learn how to memorize Bible verses with your kids (and even on your own). Try these unique ideas to grow spiritually!
Christie Thomas,
Smart Leaders stay close to their Critics - Charles Stone
Smart leaders won’t dismiss their critics. This blog gives a powerful example why we should stay close to our critics.
Charles Stone,
3 Ways to Respond to a Controlling Leader - Ron Edmondson
I have written a good deal recently about controlling leadership. As most of my posts do, this stems from current or past experience in leadership. Within the past 6 months I have talked with close to a dozen individuals in ministry who are experiencing this type of leader. It is effecting their personal leadership, as well as the health of their organization. If you missed any of these posts you can read: 7 Warning Signs You May Be a Controlling Leader 3 Results of Controlling Leadership 7 Reactions to Controlling Leadership The obvious most frequent question I receive as a result of these posts involves what to do about a controlling leader? I previously wrote a post about “leading up” called 5 Ways to Influence those Who Lead You, but it addresses a leader who may not be giving you a seat at the table, but not one who is necessarily a controlling leader. Controlling leadership appears to be a more difficult issue. A leader who attempts to control everything within his or her realm is much harder to influence. So, here’s my best answer. Here are three ways to respond to a controlling leader:
Ron Edmondson,
Helping Complainers Complain Better - Ron Edmondson
It surprises me how many well-meaning, even nice people don’t know how to offer a complaint. One that actually gets heard. The Bible says “do everything wit
Ron Edmondson,
What Walmart Greeters Taught me about Leadership
Sometimes unsuspecting people can teach us about leadership. In this post I suggest leadership insight we can learn from Walmart greeters.
Charles Stone,
The Earth Belongs to Those who Take Time to Enjoy It | Dreaming Beneath the Spires
Part II of my extended meditation on The Meek Shall Inherit the Earth. Here’s Part I. Do the meek really inherit the earth? “The earth,” or την γην, ten gen, to the Jewish mind signified the beloved land, Eretz Israel, the promised, longed-for land of Canaan. It was used “as a proverbial expression to denote […]
Anita Mathias,
What Walmart Greeters Taught me about Leadership - Charles Stone
Sometimes unsuspecting people can teach us about leadership. In this post I suggest leadership insight we can learn from Walmart greeters.
Charles Stone,
The Science of a Happy Marriage, Part 2 - Know the Mathematics of Marriage — I.N.F.O. For Families
“At the University of Washington researchers videotaped married couples in conversation and cataloged every nice or negative thing they did or said during a discussion. Things like laughing, touching, smiling or paying a compliment were coded as positive interactions and not-so-nice moments—eye roll
Barrett Johnson,
3 Ways to Respond to a Controlling Leader - Ron Edmondson
I have written a good deal recently about controlling leadership. As most of my posts do, this stems from current or past experience in leadership. Within the past 6 months I have talked with close to a dozen individuals in ministry who are experiencing this type of leader. It is effecting their personal leadership, as well as the health of their organization. If you missed any of these posts you can read: 7 Warning Signs You May Be a Controlling Leader 3 Results of Controlling Leadership 7 Reactions to Controlling Leadership The obvious most frequent question I receive as a result of these posts involves what to do about a controlling leader? I previously wrote a post about "leading up" called 5 Ways to Influence those Who Lead You, but it addresses a leader who may not be giving you a seat at the table, but not one who is necessarily a controlling leader. Controlling leadership appears to be a more difficult issue. A leader who attempts to control everything within his or her realm is much harder to influence. So, here's my best answer. Here are three ways to respond to a controlling leader:
Ron Edmondson,
The Science of a Happy Marriage, Part 2 - Know the Mathematics of Marriage — I.N.F.O. For Families
“At the University of Washington researchers videotaped married couples in conversation and cataloged every nice or negative thing they did or said during a discussion. Things like laughing, touching, smiling or paying a compliment were coded as positive interactions and not-so-nice moments—eye roll
Barrett Johnson,

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