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Are you reaching for forbidden fruit of preaching in the pulpit?
By Elizabeth Prata “Women are excluded from certain ministries” “Our freedom to serve is restricted” “We’re not equal, it’s not fair” “Men are oppressing us with an overreach in their interpretatio…
Elizabeth Prata,
7 Dangers of Prideful Leadership - Ron Edmondson
I have frequently preached on the danger of pride. If you follow this blog, you know I tend to think a great deal about leadership. I have a heart for developi
Ron Edmondson,
Really? But I Don’t Want To!
I recently had a fight with an acquaintance. We both have strong personalities and let’s say, when we disagreed, we ended up in a cycle of being stubborn and wanting to win. None of us wanted…
Chanel Robe,
End of an Odyssey - Joyfully Pressing On
Better is the end of a thing than its beginning, and the patient in spirit is better than the proud in spirit. Eccelesiastes 7:8 That was our family’s van. The Odyssey had graced our lives for the past six years, since we’d been a two-child family. Apart from some electric door issues our Honda had Read More
Abigail Wallace,
7 Reactions Built from a Heart of Prideful Leadership - Ron Edmondson
There are certain dangers that come from a heart of prideful leadership. Leader, you must guard against these.
Ron Edmondson,
Adolf Hitler: Unveiling pride and the dark tyranny of addiction
Image of Adolf Hitler. (Picture from 1933, a man from Austria of modest origins ascended to the position of Chancellor in Germany. He was the driving force behind the Nazi Party, which propagated extensive propaganda vilifying the Jewish population.Adolf Hitler, characterized by his creative intellect but ruthless authoritarianism, played...
Joseph Antonio Liao,
5 Ways to Honor the Trust and Responsibility of an Online Platform - Ron Edmondson
If you have been blessed with an online platform you have to understand the responsibility you have been given.
Ron Edmondson,
Confident in Your Spiritual Walk? Don't Be
By Greg Laurie – Being aware of the danger that comes with pride and too much self-confidence can avert you from backsliding in one’s faith.
Greg Laurie,
7 Mistakes Pastors Make in a New Church Job - Charles Stone
On-boarding for pastors is important. Often pastors fall into pitfalls they shoudl avoid. This post list 7 pitfalls to avoid when starting a new church job.
Charles Stone,
7 Reactions Built from a Heart of Prideful Leadership - Ron Edmondson
There are certain dangers that come from a heart of prideful leadership. Leader, you must guard against these.
Ron Edmondson,

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