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Growing Downward: Thoughts on Grace & Humility
Do you know what it is to come through a hard season and look back with great thankfulness for what the Lord has taught you? As most of you know, August – January were very difficult months f…
Kenneth Chad Roberts,
Wisdom’s Path
Pride says, “My way is better”; wisdom says, “God’s way is always best.” While humility has been misconstrued as weakness, pride is often seen as self-esteem or even s…
Vickie Munton,
Growing Downward: Thoughts on Grace & Humility
Do you know what it is to come through a hard season and look back with great thankfulness for what the Lord has taught you? As most of you know, August – January were very difficult months f…
Kenneth Chad Roberts,
Wisdom’s Path
Pride says, “My way is better”; wisdom says, “God’s way is always best.” While humility has been misconstrued as weakness, pride is often seen as self-esteem or even s…
Vickie Munton,
PRIDE - Impacting Righteously
Pride is a root problem from which other problems exist. The sad and scary fact is that many Christians are prideful too.
Petrina Ferguson,
Flowers That Glide: Writing, Dying, & Pride - Joyfully Pressing On
Have you hit a dry patch? Do you feel stymied in your writing or life? Or writing life? God used this 400-year old poem to restore my soul.
Abigail Wallace,
Flowers That Glide: Writing, Dying, & Pride
Have you hit a dry patch? Do you feel stymied in your writing or life? Or writing life? God used this 400-year old poem to restore my soul.
Abigail Wallace,
How to Surrender to God and 8 Inspiring Bible Verses about Surrender
Learning how to surrender to God is not easy. But surrendering to God is one of the most empowering decisions you make in your spiritual journey.
Mary Armand,
The Gospel Message And Salvation Part 3 - Pursuing Intimacy With God
The Gospel message and salvation part 3 is the best part of the Gospel. Because God loves us so much, He sent His Son Jesus Christ to solve our sin problem.
Kevin Bart,
To Obey is Better Than Sacrifice
What does the phrase “to obey is better than sacrifice” mean? In this writing, we’ll look at the context in which it was said in the Bible. And then we’ll see how it applies to us.
Robin McKinley,

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