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Adultery victims exist. True story. - Divorce Minister
Acquitting the guilty and condemning the innocent— both are detestable to the Lord. -Proverbs 17:15, NLT Adultery and abandonment victims exist. In fact, they exist in churches just as they exist in the general populace. This truth might be a shocker to some pastors. But it is a true story. Some of us are not … Continue reading “Adultery victims exist. True story.”
David Derksen,
Inconsistency When Evangelicals Deal With Divorce - Divorce Minister
Acquitting the guilty and condemning the innocent— the Lord detests them both. -Proverbs 17:15, NIV When going through my ecclesiastical trial to keep my license, I experienced many questions unrelated to the most important issue regarding my divorce–namely, that my former spouse committed adultery and refused to repent. I remember all sorts of exploration about … Continue reading “Inconsistency When Evangelicals Deal With Divorce”
David Derksen,
3 Beliefs Some Progressive Christians and Atheists Share
[Originally published on] “Listen. I gotta break it to you . . . I’m post-Christian. . . . I don’t believe it anymore. I don’t believe any of it.” These are the words former Christian minister Bart Campolo recalls speaking to his famous evangelist father, Tony Campolo, after leaving...
Alisa Childers,
You Should Be Grateful... - Divorce Minister
“You should be grateful… …that we allowed you to keep your ministerial credentials.” -A Denominational Official/Pastor While not an actual direct quote from someone, I did encountered this sort of sentiment when dealing with evangelical pastors regarding my divorce and profession. Such thinking was “justified” usually by referring to the sub-culture where old-school, (fundamentalist), evangelical denominations … Continue reading “You Should Be Grateful…”
David Derksen,
Conduct Yourselves Honorably …
I’m typically not a news junkie, but I’ve been mesmerized by all the events that have transpired since George Floyd’s murder. People’s reactions can’t always be easily…
Lynn H. Pryor,
Leveraging Your Vote to do the Most Good for the Most People-
Over the course of the last year the realm of politics has become so vile, toxic and obnoxious that for the first time in my adult life I have found myself wishing the whole stupid thing would just…
Lisa Price,
Leveraging Your Vote to do the Most Good for the Most People-
Over the course of the last year the realm of politics has become so vile, toxic and obnoxious that for the first time in my adult life I have found myself wishing the whole stupid thing would just…
Lisa Price,
Sin’s Corruption of Our Conduct
All false religions lie to us about man. While most of them concede that man has not reached perfection, they refuse to acknowledge the bare sinful facts of life and history. They insist on offering a system of human achievement that can please God. Only God’s Word tells us the painful yet loving truth that
John MacArthur,
Paul's Gospel Essentials: Atonement and Burial
This series was first published in February of 2017. -ed. The apostle Paul was deadly serious about keeping the message of salvation pure. He had no hesitation to pronounce damnation on anyone who would dare to change or contaminate the gospel. There are some who are disturbing you and want to distort the gospel of
John MacArthur,
The Foundation of All Forgiveness
God doesn’t change (Malachi 3:6). But man’s view of Him frequently does—driven by man’s own fluid emotions and flexible morality. And as the world around us becomes increasingly permissive, it expects God to adjust with that moral shift.
John MacArthur,

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