Read & Study the Bible Online - Bible Portal
The two most Abused and Misused Words in the World-
There are other words I object to simply because I am sick to death of hearing them used incorrectly. I am not talking about the standard grammar-cop kind of stuff some folks get bent out of shape …
Lisa Price,
The two most Abused and Misused Words in the World-
There are other words I object to simply because I am sick to death of hearing them used incorrectly. I am not talking about the standard grammar-cop kind of stuff some folks get bent out of shape …
Lisa Price,
The Continual Trumpet Blast from the Monstrous Regiment of Beth Moore Battle-axes
By Elizabeth Prata In 1558, Scottish Reformer and minister John Knox wrote a treatise called “The First Blast of the Trumpet Against the Monstruous Regiment of Women”. In it, Knox proff…
Elizabeth Prata,
The Privileged Life: Practical Tips for Marriage that Lasts (Part 4)
“He who has knowledge spares his words, and a man of understanding is of a calm spirit.” (Proverbs 17:27) It’s Valentine’s Day week! How will you tell your sweetheart, “I love you”? …
Nancy C. Williams,
She Meddles Not: In Praise of a Non-Meddlesome Mom -
“A person convinced against his will is of the same opinion still.” My non-meddlesome mom knows this. But the older I get the more I want her advice.
Abigail Wallace,
When You’re Done Already-
Alex’s desire to be done with any situation he wasn’t enjoying anymore was maddening. However, I do understand his feelings. Sometimes even grown-ups are done with a situation or trial long before …
Lisa Price,
Using Our Words Well—August 16 Bible Reading Plan - Denise Pass
Our words matter. The content of what we say and what we listen to. Using our words well heals rather than harms others.
Denise Pass,
When You’re Done Already-
Alex’s desire to be done with any situation he wasn’t enjoying anymore was maddening. However, I do understand his feelings. Sometimes even grown-ups are done with a situation or trial long before …
Lisa Price,
3 Things to Consider before You Pick Another Fight
If a gravitational pull toward contentiousness lives in your heart, here are three things to consider before you pick a fight with your husband.
Revive Our Hearts,
What Is God Teaching You in This Season? Part 2 - Blog - Eternal Perspective Ministries
In our last blog we shared part one of the responses from our EPM staff and board members to the question Stephanie Anderson asked, “What is God teaching you in this season?” Today’s blog is part two. I think you’ll be greatly encouraged by what they had to share, and...
Randy Alcorn,

Group of Brands