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Principles for Christian business
Proverbs 20 vs. 10 Divers weights, and divers measures, both of them are alike abomination to the LORD. Be honest with your business standards and measurements Don’t tamper with your measuring inst…
Babatope Babalobi,
Running Your Business to the Glory of God - Blog - Eternal Perspective Ministries
The examples of these Christian business owners can inspire us and give us footsteps to follow.
Randy Alcorn,
DISCOUNTS ARE NOT SAVINGS — Faith and Finances Ministry
Author: Patrick Blair When I check out of my local grocery store, the cashiers always ask me for my phone number so my purchasing habits can be tracked. What do I get for this? Well, after ringing up the goods, the cashier always tells me something like, “You’ve save
Patrick Blair,
Christianity in Sweden and the fear of Christian Sweden Democrats (SD)
Naive Swedes who live in a pretend world Criminals are dangerous, but so are people who are way too naive for their own good and live in a pretend world. The small Christian community in secular Sw…
Annika Björk,
Christianity in Sweden and the fear of Christian Sweden Democrats (SD)
Naive Swedes who live in a pretend world Criminals are dangerous, but so are people who are way too naive for their own good and live in a pretend world. The small Christian community in secular Sw…
Annika Björk,
Perfect Practical Justice
He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God? (Micah 6:8) Justice is the easiest virtue because it is intuitive. Children understand it at play. Breaking rules agreed upon by the group is cheating. Having an unreciprocated advantage is unfair. Simple. And yet, justice is the most complicated virtue because of sin and human limitations. Sin has jaded our hearts and corrupted the avenues of …
Cole Feix,

Group of Brands