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The Fire Series: Ineffable God
Ineffable: too great or extreme to be expressed or described in words. Lately, I have been obsessed with a fresh revelation that God is beyond my human comprehension. I know a little of Him. I see …
Matik Nicholls,
Your Pain Into Purpose
When my heart takes me back to that place where my heart was nourished … where my body was fed … and where my dreams were born … I can hear the laughter yet around the kitchen table … and the prayers that were prayed at family devotions. That was home. My home. The place of my roots and m
Carol McLeod,
Your Pain Into Purpose
I think of my childhood home often … the century old home that still stands at 6555 Alleghany Road. When I picture it … I can still see my mom standing in the sunporch which lined the front of our house well-cared for homeplace. She likely had an apron on and was watching me cross
Carol McLeod,
God is Great, Lessons from Sierra Leone - Ron Edmondson
When we were in Sierra Leone Africa earlier this summer we saw some of the most unique and beautiful beaches I have seen anywhere in the world. Interestingly, the people don’t seem to appreciate or enjoy the beauty they have right next to them as much as one would think they do. I can’t help but think if I had this beach in my backyard that I’d be on it frequently. We baptized people at the beach who lived a few hundred feet from the water yet had never been in it before. On one trip to the beach, as I stood mesmerized by the beauty of perfect blue skies, sand, ocean waves, boulder-sized rocks and mountains in the background, I couldn’t help but ask a pastor friend how it all formed in his mind. The rocks that line the ocean appear to have developed by volcanic activity. I ask him if he knew the make-up of the rocks and how they formed…and if he knew of any volcanoes in the vicinity. He looked at me with complete sincerity and said very simply, “God is great!” I was quickly humbled in my search for answers and reminded of a few truths:
Ron Edmondson,
Knowing the Knowable –
“The Lord our God has secrets known to no one. We are not accountable for them, but we and our children are accountable forever for all that he has revealed to us, so that we may obey all the terms of these instructions.
Ken Barnes,
Knowing the Knowable –
“The Lord our God has secrets known to no one. We are not accountable for them, but we and our children are accountable forever for all that he has revealed to us, so that we may obey all the terms of these instructions.
Ken Barnes,
Being a Detective of God’s Word — Ami Loper
Like treasures of precious gems, there are beautiful truths in the Word of God that, given a little effort, could be mined by any of us. God has treasures awaiting you! Isn’t it time we devoted ourselves to letting God show us the beautiful things in His Word? Bible Study Christian Blog
Ami Loper,
Being a Detective of God’s Word — Ami Loper
Like treasures of precious gems, there are beautiful truths in the Word of God that, given a little effort, could be mined by any of us. God has treasures awaiting you! Isn’t it time we devoted ourselves to letting God show us the beautiful things in His Word? Bible Study Christian Blog
Ami Loper,
30 Days of Prayer: Pray for Understanding (Day 2) - Be Whole, Mom
Have you ever felt a little lost in your walk with the Lord, like you weren’t really sure where you were going any longer? Or maybe you kept having these little ideas niggling at you, pinging your soul that something is missing or is not quite right? If so, this day is ALL for you! … Read More about 30 Days of Prayer: Pray for Understanding (Day 2)
Julie Ann Filter,
Bible study on Divine gifts: word of knowledge, word of wisdom
KNOWLEDGE BY REVELATION Memorise: “It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter” (Proverbs 25:2) Read: Luke 18:1-8 Pastor E. Adeboye You …
Babatope Babalobi,

Group of Brands