Read & Study the Bible Online - Bible Portal
While some people have an eagle eye and can detect a lie from afar, some are too trusting and can’t tell when a partner is lying to them.
Olubunmi Mabel,
While some people have an eagle eye and can detect a lie from afar, some are too trusting and can’t tell when a partner is lying to them.
Olubunmi Mabel,
Lessons Learned in 3D — A New Series
I was over at Emily’s blog today, and her fun post gave me great idea for a weekly series here on my little spot on the web. So, without further adieu, here are 10 things I learned this week in no particular order. 1. I need to work on How to be a Low-Maintenance Friend...
Lyli Dunbar,
Disturbed people only see it as leverage - Divorce Minister
The wicked flee though no one pursues…. -Proverbs 28:1a, NIV Disturbed people only see a history of cheating as leverage in a marriage. They could care less how the cheating has damaged and harmed the faithful spouse. The bigger problem for them is that they fear the faithful spouse “forever” holding it “over the head” … Continue reading “Disturbed people only see it as leverage”
David Derksen,
Lessons Learned in 3D — A New Series
I was over at Emily’s blog today, and her fun post gave me great idea for a weekly series here on my little spot on the web. So, without further adieu, here are 10 things I learned this week in no particular order. 1. I need to work on How to be a Low-Maintenance Friend...
Lyli Dunbar,
The Courage of Wisdom
Courage is a funny thing. Some see it as bold, or daring. Some see it as the characteristic of one who is willing to take a chance or to embark on some grand adventure that appears risky (i.e. sk…
Vickie Munton,
The Tabernacle Came Alive - Podcast - Growing Through God's Word
The Tabernacle Came Alive – Find out how you can have a live Tabernacle Experience. A podcast of the experience and pictures.
Janis Cox,
Fuzzy Lion - Creative Tuesdays - Growing Through God's Word
Fuzzy Lion – Creative Tuesday has given a prompt this week of fuzzy. I didn’t paint cute fuzzy bears, or rabbits. Instead I chose a lion.
Janis Cox,
Jesus Leads the Way - Follow Him - Growing Through God's Word
Jesus Leads the Way to Jerusalem. Word of God Speak Linkup. Lenten Study 2. Mark 10:32-34 Join us. Be Bold as a Lion. Can you be that bold?
Janis Cox,
Jesus Leads the Way – Follow Him
Jesus Leads the Way to Jerusalem. Word of God Speak Linkup. Lenten Study 2. Mark 10:32-34 Join us. Be Bold as a Lion. Can you be that bold?
Janis Cox,

Group of Brands